跟踪dijit.Dialog的内容和模板非常重要。一旦你设置了对话框的内容,它的标记就会被解析——但不是以某种方式,这样 TemplatedMixin 就会应用于 content-markup-declared-widgets。
要成功实现模板,您将需要类似于以下代码的内容,请注意我已经评论了 attachPoints 的作用。
这个 SitePen 博客提供了关于这个主题的很好的信息
], function(
) {
return declare("my.Dialog", [Dialog, _Templated], {
// set any widget (Dialog construct) default parameters here
toggle: 'standard',
// render the dijit over a specific template
// you should be aware, that once this templateString is overloaded,
// then the one within Dialog is not rendered
templateString: '<div bgColor="#FFFFFF" bgOpacity="0.4">' +// our domNode reference
'<div class="dijitInline">' +
// setting a dojoAttachPoint makes it referencable from within widget by this attribute's value
' <input type="input" class="dateWidgetInput" dojoAttachPoint="numberOfDateNode" selected="true">' +
'</div>' +
constructor: function(args, srcNodeRef) {
args = args || {} // assert, we must mixin minimum an empty object
lang.mixin(this, args);
postCreate: function() {
// with most overrides, preferred way is to call super functionality first
// here we can manipulate the contents of our widget,
// template parser _has run from this point forward
var input = this.numberOfDateNode;
// say we want to perform something on the numberOfDateNode, do so
// say we want to use dojo.Stateful pattern such that a call like
// myDialogInstance.set("dateValue", 1234)
// will automatically set the input.value, do as follows
_setDateValueAttr: function(val) {
// NB: USING dojoAttachPoint REFERENCE
this.numberOfDateNode.value = val;
// and in turn we must set up the getter
_getDateValueAttr: function() {
// NB: USING dojoAttachPoint REFERENCE
return this.numberOfDateNode.value;