我有一些由 Sphinx 生成的 HTML 文档。Sphinx 将正文文本对齐并将其设置div为宽度为 50em。当然,我可以编辑生成的 CSS/HTML。文本有一些内联方程,以预渲染图像的形式,当在我的浏览器中查看时,它们的宽度约为正文文本的 50%。对齐文本和宽大、牢不可破的内联图像的组合有时会在单词之间产生大而难看的空格。



当宽图像之前有一小行文本时,会发生错误的间距。这是一些生成的 HTML 源代码。alt 标签包含公式的 TeX 源,因此您可以了解这些公式与单个单词相比有多大。

<p>Suppose that we want to sort a list of pairs, using the pair's first member as the key.
Given the list
<img class="math" src="math001.png" alt="[\pair 13,\pair 19,\pair 36,\pair 24,\pair 38]"/>,
we want a list of pairs starting with 1, a list of pairs starting with 2, and so forth.
The sorted list would be
<img class="math" src="math002.png" alt="[\,[\pair 13,\pair 19], [\pair 24], [\pair 36,\pair 38],[]\,]"/>.
More text follows.</p>


Suppose that we want to sort a list of pairs, using the pair's first member
as the key.   Given the list [<1,3>, <1,9>, <2,4>, <3,6>, <3,8>], we want a
list of pairs  starting with 1,  a list  of pairs starting  with 2,  and so
forth.           The         sorted          list         would          be <-- This line!
[[<1,3>, <1,9>], [<2,4>], [<3,6>, <3,8>], []].  More text follows.


Suppose that we want to sort a list of pairs, using the pair's first member
as the key.   Given the list [<1,3>, <1,9>, <2,4>, <3,6>, <3,8>], we want a
list of pairs  starting with 1,  a list  of pairs starting  with 2,  and so
forth.    The   sorted   list   would   be
[[<1,3>, <1,9>], [<2,4>], [<3,6>, <3,8>], []].  More text follows.

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