I have a requirement where, I need to give the user only one editable java class where he can make changes in the program such as changing username, changing phone number. The moment he saves the data, the built program should be able to reproduce the changes.

I am doing this project for BlackBerry.

I want to know, is there any way in which I can link a class with external project? I am developing the project using Eclipse. I don't know how the user will make changes and save. I know it's a little weird but generally speaking, I want to link two different applications using some middle interface. Any help is greatly appreciated


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请说明您希望在两个应用程序之间实现什么以及它们如何交互,我们将为您提供比要求用户修改 java 文件更好的解决方案。

OP 评论后更新:

您需要查看 XML 或 JSON。这些是格式化数据的方法,以便于编写/生成/传输/解析。

在黑莓上解析 XML 在黑莓上 解析 XML 文件

于 2012-06-15T11:12:30.367 回答

当你构建一个 java 项目时,你会得到一个 jar 文件。如果您将该 jar 文件包含到类路径中,则其所有内容都可用于您的代码(带有必要的导入语句)。

于 2012-06-15T11:07:39.883 回答