although I can write a C# WinForms and WPF to do it, I'll try to explain all the way through from Foxpro perspective... Mind you... this looks to be a decompiled version of the code as all the foxpro keywords are only showing in 4 characters, not their complete and more understandable commands. Also, this is code that looks like it was written before VFP even existed... much like older DOS days, going back to... 1989 days...
&& "Proc" is short for Procedure (or Func for Function) much like method in C#,
public Can_01()
{ do things here... }
proc can_01
&& "SET COLO" = Set Color to
set colo to w/
&& @x,y to x2,y2 does basic drawing, such as clear screen ( via CLEA TO = "clear to" )
&& from a DOS world of 24x80 as this appears to reflect, then draw a double border (via DOUB)
@10,18 clea to 17,60
@10,18 to 17,60 doub
&& change "COLO"r again
set colo to n/w
&& At given x/y coordinate (10,34), show a string for "LOG IN",
@10,34 say ' LOG IN '
&& another color change
set colo to w/
&& at x,y, show string label for respective
@12,20 say 'Enter Name.......'
@13,20 say 'Counter..........'
&& create variable "usr" and set it equal to 18 spaces
&& create var "cntr" and default it to a single "*"
&& create var "x" and set to 1
&& Loop... do while true -- continues until and "ENDDO"
&& in C#... while( true ) { do things... }
do whil .t.
&& more coloring and showing fixed-spacing label to the screen
&& to give user indicator of allowed input of <CR> carriage return to exit
&& or escape key to abort, but still show a label and more coloring.
set colo to n/w
@22,0 say ;
'Enter user name <CR>-Exit <ESC>-Abort '
set colo to n/w,w+/bg
&& @/Get is actually getting user input from given x,y coordinate.
&& the "pict" is a picture clause like an input format string. "!" means
&& convert entered characters to upper case, and only allow as many characters
&& as there are "!" in the picture mask.
&& put whatever is typed into the variable "usr"
@12,38 get usr pict '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
&& stop and wait for user input until they hit enter or escape
&& more color changing
set colo to n/w
&& read() or "ReadKey()" checks input length, that otherwise is the same as mask--
&& redundant. OR the user name is all spaces OR the x counter is now past 3rd attempt
if read()=12 .or. usr=' ' .or. x>3
&& show to screen login aborted
@22,0 say 'Log In aborted..Press any key..'
&& send a DOS "beep" to the user
&& do another procedure or function called "can_011" ( I guess is some "cancel" process)
do can_011
&& read will basically wait for confirmation via simple message of "Press any key..."
&& quit entire application
&& user did provide input, increase the attempted login counter x=x+1
&& open the table called "CAN_P"
use can_p
&& set exact matching on... to prevent things like finding "Tom" = "Tom "
set exac on
&& try to "LOCATE" for the specific user entered exists within the table
&& but trimming the value entered by the user ( C# string.Trim() )
loca for user=trim(usr)
&& turn exact matching back off
set exac off
&& if EOF() (end of file) is reached, we did not find the user
if eof()
&& show message to user at x,y position
@22,0 say 'User '+usr+' does not exists..Press any key..'
&& another DOS bell
&& close the "CAN_P" table
&& wait for user to press a key to try via next loop
&& we found the record in the table, exit the do/while loop
endd && end of the do/while loop
&& another do while true...
&& almost identical in content, but asking for some "cntr" variable.
&& almost same display, showing counter attempts and prompting
do whil .t.
@22,0 say ;
'Enter Counter No <CR>-EXIT <ESC>-Abort'
&& prompt user for a value to put into the "cntr" variable, single character
@13,38 get cntr pict '!'
&& read input
if read()=12
&& again, forcing itself out via "CAN_011" procedure somewhere else
do can_011
&& if the user name is equal to "BABU M" and t he cntr = "*", exit the do/while loop
if trim(usr)='BABU M' .and. cntr='*'
&& "$" in VFP is like "contains" in C#
&& in C#... string myLongString = "testing for some value to look for";
&& string myLongString.Contains( " val" );
&& in this case, 'cntr" is a single character value. and if it is NOT
&& and "A", "B", "C" or "D", tell user incorrect and re-enter
if .not. cntr$'ABCD'
@22,0 say 'Incorrect Counter..Re-enter..'
&& oooo.... two DOS beeps
&& continue the do/while loop
&& leaky-boat technique... we got this far, must have had a good value,
&& exit the do/while loop
endd && end of the do/while loop
&& new variable "SCntr" = whatever "cntr" is
&& reset "x" var back to 1
&& another do/while loop
do whil .t.
&& more color, and show label to user to enter password
set colo to n/w
@22,0 say ;
'Enter Password <CR> - Exit <ESC> - Abort '
set colo to w/
@14,20 say 'Enter PASSWORD :-'
&& set console OFF so nobody can see what is being typed...
set cons off
@14,38 say ''
&& "Accept" keyboard entry to a variable "ps"
acce to ps
&& turn console back on to allow seeing typing again
set cons on
&& I don't know where the "K8", "K4", "K5", etc are... I SUSPECT they
&& are in the user's login table as some sort of mask to compare against
&& "CHR()" is to get ASCII character equivalent based on a numeric value.
&& ex: CHR(32) = ASCII 32 = space character... CHR(65) = "A", CHR(66)="B", etc...
&& so the programmer was building a variable "CPS" by adding a bunch of single
&& characters of the value of "K8" + 9 and getting its ASCII value, then adding
&& the next character, and next until all characters processed into one long string
&& more coloring
set colo to n/w
&& another exact test
set exac on
&& if the data entered and "computed string" via "cps" is NOT the same
&& as what I suspect is "ps" a column in the CAN_P table (login table)
if cps<>ps
&& show message of incorrect password
@22,0 say 'Incorrect PASSWORD !! Press any key ..'
&& another bell
&& wait for user to hit a key
&& add 1 to the "x" counter for failed attempts / abort
&& is user aborting, or exceeded 3 login attempts
if read()=12 .or. x > 3
&& do the cancel procedure thing again
do can_011
&& quit the app
&& valid password, EXIT the DO/WHILE loop
endd && end of the do/while loop
&& more display status
@22,0 say 'Please Wait..'
set exac off
&& "#" is same as <> (not equal to)
&& if the user is NOT "JV"
if user#'JV'
&& more simple boolean check... I assume checking if user is "Active"
&& based on column in the login table
if .not. (counter=scntr .and. active)
@22,0 say 'Counter not activated...Access denied..Return to system..'
&& wow... seriously... 4 dos BEEPs, canel process and quit application
?? chr(7)+chr(7)+chr(7)+chr(7)
do can_011
&& create var "xr" and preserve whatever the "record number" is in the user table
&& while still in the login table, try to "LOCATE" for the given condition
&& based on respective variables and their counterpart in the table.
&& HOWEVER, look for value and the record is NOT the one we stored in "xr" above
loca for counter=scntr .and. li .and. recn() <> xr
if found()
&& nag user that the person is already logged in message, 4 bells, cancel, quit app
@22,0 say 'Counter already Logged-In by User '+user+;
'..Return to system..'
do can_011
&& go back to the originally found record
go xr
&& replace the actual record with status of active = true,
&& lidt (I suspect login date with current date() (C# DateTime.Now is closest)
&& litm = just the time portion
repl active with .t.,li with .t.,lidt with date(),litm with time()
&& unlock the record
&& do the "CAN_011" procedure thing
do can_011
&& colors
set colo to w/n,w+/g
&& done with this routine, just return to whoever called it.