I must display the news in Level 2 according to parent page news category. So for this I should extract the news category id of the parent page and pass it to the lib.var1
variable. This script works just for one item when I was in this page(item):
lib.var1 < plugin.tt_news
lib.var1 {
code >
code = LATEST
templateFile= fileadmin/news_template.tmpl
categorySelection = {field:uid}
categorySelection.insertData = 1
pid_list >
pid_list = 19
catImageMode = 1
catTextMode = 0
latestLimit = 1
### secondary Level ###
2 {
noBlur = 1
stdWrap.wrap = <ul style=""><li> | </li></ul>
stdWrap.innerWrap = <div><ul>|</ul></div>
stdWrap.preCObject = COA
stdWrap.preCObject {
10 {
table = tt_news_cat
select.selectFields = tt_news_cat.uid
select.where.dataWrap = tt_news_cat.pid = {field:pid}
select.max = 1
renderObj = COA
renderObj {
#Test the render is OK
10 = TEXT
10.value = {field:uid}
10.insertData = 1
20 =< lib.var1
NO = 1
NO {
linkWrap= <li class="">|</li>
ATagTitle.field = title