
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.98s (1.60s load html, 0.24s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.14s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.87s (1.59s load html, 0.25s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.03s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 2.79s (1.78s load html, 0.28s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.72s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/1 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 2.18s (1.70s load html, 0.34s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.15s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/1 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.91s (1.47s load html, 0.21s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.23s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/1 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.84s (1.59s load html, 0.22s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.03s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 0 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.90s (1.67s load html, 0.21s parse, 0.00s on queue, 0.02s to process) **********

但是,由于同时运行约 20 个(每个都在自己的线程中),HTTP 流量变得非常慢:

********** Round-trip (with 2 sends/7 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 23.37s (16.39s load html, 0.30s parse, 0.00s on queue, 6.67s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 2 sends/5 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 20.99s (14.00s load html, 1.99s parse, 0.00s on queue, 5.00s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/4 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 17.89s (9.17s load html, 0.30s parse, 0.12s on queue, 8.31s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 3 sends/5 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 26.22s (15.34s load html, 1.63s parse, 0.01s on queue, 9.24s to process) **********

load html位是读取我正在处理的网页的 HTML 所需的时间(resp = self.mech.open(url)resp.read(); resp.close())。该to process位是从该客户端到处理它的服务器进行往返所需的时间(fp = urllib2.urlopen(...); fp.read(); fp.close())。该X sends/Y loads位是同时发送到服务器并从我正在处理的网页加载的数量,这些网页在向服务器发出请求时正在运行。

我最关心的是那个to process位。服务器上的实际处理只需要0.2s左右。只发送了400 个字节,所以这不是占用太多带宽的问题。有趣的是,如果我运行一个打开 5 个线程并重复执行此操作的程序(同时进行所有这些同时发送/加载的解析)to process,它的运行速度非常快:

1 took 0.04s
1 took 1.41s in total
0 took 0.03s
0 took 1.43s in total
4 took 0.33s
2 took 0.49s
2 took 0.08s
2 took 0.01s
2 took 1.74s in total
3 took 0.62s
4 took 0.40s
3 took 0.31s
4 took 0.33s
3 took 0.05s
3 took 2.18s in total
4 took 0.07s
4 took 2.22s in total

to process这个独立程序中的每个只需要0.01sto 0.50s,远远少于成熟版本中的 6-10 秒,并且它使用的发送线程并没有减少(它使用 5 个,并且成熟版本的上限为5)。

也就是说,当完整版本正在运行时,运行一个单独的版本发送这些相同(+0/.0/-0)的请求,每个请求 400 字节,0.31每个请求只需要 s。所以,它不像我正在运行的机器被窃听......似乎其他线程中的多个同时加载正在减慢应该快速的速度(实际上是快速的,在另一个运行的程序中同一台机器)在其他线程中发送。

发送是用 完成的urllib2.urlopen,而读取是用 mechanize 完成的(最终使用 fork urllib2.urlopen)。


任何有关如何更快地同时加载多个页面的建议(因此时间看起来更像 1-3 秒而不是 10-20 秒)也将受到欢迎。

编辑:附加说明:我依赖 mechanize 的 cookie 处理功能,因此理想情况下,任何答案都将提供一种处理该问题的方法,以及......

编辑:我用不同的配置进行了相同的设置,其中只打开一页,一次将大约 10-20 个内容添加到队列中。那些像刀穿过黄油一样被加工,例如,这是添加一大堆的结尾:

********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.17s (1.14s wait, 0.04s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.19s (1.16s wait, 0.03s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.26s (0.80s wait, 0.46s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/0 loads) for (+0/.0/-0) was total 1.35s (0.77s wait, 0.58s to process) **********
********** Round-trip (with 4 sends/0 loads) for (+2/.4/-0) was total 1.44s (0.24s wait, 1.20s to process) **********

(我添加了wait时间,即信息在发送之前在队列中停留的时间。)请注意,它与to process独立程序一样快。该问题仅体现在不断阅读和解析网页的问题上。(请注意,解析本身会占用大量 CPU)。



1 回答 1


可能是全局解释器锁 (GIL)。您是否尝试过使用多处理模块(主要是线程的替代品,IIRC)?

另请参阅Python 代码性能随线程而降低

于 2012-06-15T02:25:02.393 回答