我在 DOS 命令进程中启动了一个 C# 控制台可执行文件。
我需要能够从 C# 可执行文件执行 DOS 命令(特别是我需要能够设置变量)并使变量保持不变,以便 DOS 进程的其余部分可以引用它们。
启动 DOS 进程 -> C# 执行 SET 命令设置 UserVariable -> DOS 进程可以 ECHO %UserVariable%
由于性能原因,我无法将 set 命令写入 dos 脚本。事实上,我根本没有任何文件 I/O。
我在 DOS 命令进程中启动了一个 C# 控制台可执行文件。
我需要能够从 C# 可执行文件执行 DOS 命令(特别是我需要能够设置变量)并使变量保持不变,以便 DOS 进程的其余部分可以引用它们。
启动 DOS 进程 -> C# 执行 SET 命令设置 UserVariable -> DOS 进程可以 ECHO %UserVariable%
由于性能原因,我无法将 set 命令写入 dos 脚本。事实上,我根本没有任何文件 I/O。
SETX 保留环境变量。检查这个:http ://technet.microsoft.com/es-es/library/cc755104(v=ws.10).aspx
The problem isn't with the fact that you are calling SET from within a C# application. Even if you open a windows prompt and call SET to set a user variable, it will not persist through sessions.
Display, set, or remove CMD environment variables. Changes made with SET will remain only for the duration of the current CMD session.
I advise you to set variables directly through .Net, anyway. You can use Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable to do this.
If you are running a C# app from a dos script and wishing to use variables set in the app afterwards from the script, I don't know how to do that for just the context of that script from within C#, the other answers here show you for the machine itself but I appreciate you need something with a less permanent scope.
A meta-programming workaround this could be to:
The calling DOS script would look like this:
FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" %%A IN ('MyApp.exe') DO (
The Console output from MyApp.exe would need to be in the form:
SET UserVariable1=UserValue1
SET UserVariable2=UserValue2
And then each of the output lines would be executed by the calling FOR loop and the variables would then exist in the context of the calling script.
Use the following .NET method instead:
我们将使用由 C# 应用程序创建的批处理脚本,该脚本将包含所需的所有简单设置命令,然后由调用 C# 应用程序的 CMD 进程执行。
Unfortunately, so far as I can tell, this is the "solution" that is available, through at least Windows 7. I've been experimenting with various ways to set and subsequently use environment variables, and the bottom line of my research is that, if you want to use a variable, it must either be set in advance into the USER or MACHINE key, or it must be a local variable, set by script command, then tested further along in the same script.
So far as I am concerned, the third element in that enumeration, Process, is essentially useless. The only way that I can see that it might be useful is if a process spawns another process, passing its environment to the child process. That's overkill for most run-of-the-mill administrative scripts.