我也有使用插件和应用程序域的长期运行服务,并且由于使用目录服务而出现内存泄漏。请注意,我使用的是 system.directoryservices.accountmanagement,但据我了解,它使用相同的底层 ADSI API,因此容易出现相同的内存泄漏。

我查看了所有的 CLR 内存计数器,内存没有泄漏,并且在强制 GC 或卸载 appdomain 时全部返回。泄漏是在不断增长的私有字节中。我在这里搜索并看到了一些与使用 ADSI API 时内存泄漏相关的问题,但它们似乎表明只需遍历 directorysearcher 即可解决问题。但正如您在下面的代码中看到的那样,我在 foreach 块中执行此操作,但内存仍在泄漏。有什么建议么?这是我的方法:

public override void JustGronkIT()
    using (log4net.ThreadContext.Stacks["NDC"].Push(GetMyMethodName()))
        Log.Info("Inside " + GetMyMethodName() + " Method.");
        System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader reader = new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader();
        //PrincipalContext AD = null;
        using (PrincipalContext AD = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, (string)reader.GetValue("Domain", typeof(string))))
            UserPrincipal u = new UserPrincipal(AD);
            u.Enabled = true;
            //u.Surname = "ju*";
            using (PrincipalSearcher ps = new PrincipalSearcher(u))
                myADUsers = new ADDataSet();
                myADUsers.ADUsers.MinimumCapacity = 60000;
                myADUsers.ADUsers.CaseSensitive = false;
                foreach (UserPrincipal result in ps.FindAll())
                     myADUsers.ADUsers.AddADUsersRow(result.SamAccountName, result.GivenName, result.MiddleName, result.Surname, result.EmailAddress, result.VoiceTelephoneNumber,
                            result.UserPrincipalName, result.DistinguishedName, result.Description);
            Log.Info("Number of users: " + myADUsers.ADUsers.Count);
        }//using AD
    }//Using log4net

我对 foreach 循环进行了以下更改,它更好,但私有字节仍在增长并且永远不会被回收。

 foreach (UserPrincipal result in ps.FindAll())
     using (result)
             myADUsers.ADUsers.AddADUsersRow(result.SamAccountName, result.GivenName,           result.MiddleName, result.Surname, result.EmailAddress, result.VoiceTelephoneNumber,                                        result.UserPrincipalName, result.DistinguishedName, result.Description);

6 回答 6



                foreach (GroupPrincipal result in searcher.FindAll())

但诀窍是 FindAll 本身返回一个必须处置的对象......

            using (var searchResults = searcher.FindAll())
                foreach (GroupPrincipal result in searchResults)
于 2014-08-07T13:25:07.253 回答


解决方法?使用 DirectoryServices 库...

于 2012-06-14T15:27:42.160 回答

我说得太早了,从长远来看,简单地调用 Dispose() 并没有解决问题。真正的解决方案?停止同时使用 directoryservices 和 directoryservices.accountmanagement 并改用 System.DirectoryServices.Protocols 并对我的域进行分页搜索,因为该程序集在 Microsoft 方面没有泄漏。

根据要求,这里有一些代码来说明我提出的解决方案。请注意,我还使用了插件架构和 appDomain,并在完成后卸载了 appdomain,尽管我认为 DirectoryServices.Protocols 中没有泄漏,您不必这样做。我这样做只是因为我认为使用 appDomains 可以解决我的问题,但由于它不是托管代码中的泄漏,而是非托管代码中的泄漏,所以它没有任何好处。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.DirectoryServices.Protocols;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq.Mapping;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using log4net;
using log4net.Config;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;

namespace ADImportPlugIn {

    public class ADImport : PlugIn

        private ADDataSet myADUsers = null;
        LdapConnection _LDAP = null;
        MDBDataContext mdb = null;
        private Orgs myOrgs = null;

        public override void JustGronkIT()
            string filter = "(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))";
            string tartgetOU = @"yourdomain.com";
            string[] attrs = {"sAMAccountName","givenName","sn","initials","description","userPrincipalName","distinguishedName",
            "extentionAttribute6","departmentNumber","wwwHomePage","manager","extensionName", "mail","telephoneNumber"};
            using (_LDAP = new LdapConnection(Properties.Settings.Default.Domain))
                myADUsers = new ADDataSet();
                myADUsers.ADUsers.MinimumCapacity = 60000;
                myADUsers.ADUsers.CaseSensitive = false;

                    SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(tartgetOU, filter, System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchScope.Subtree, attrs);
                    PageResultRequestControl pageRequest = new PageResultRequestControl(5000);
                    SearchOptionsControl searchOptions = new SearchOptionsControl(System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.SearchOption.DomainScope);

                    while (true)
                        SearchResponse searchResponse = (SearchResponse)_LDAP.SendRequest(request);
                        PageResultResponseControl pageResponse = (PageResultResponseControl)searchResponse.Controls[0];
                        foreach (SearchResultEntry entry in searchResponse.Entries)
                            string _myUserid="";
                            string _myUPN="";
                            SearchResultAttributeCollection attributes = entry.Attributes;
                            foreach (DirectoryAttribute attribute in attributes.Values)
                                if (attribute.Name.Equals("sAMAccountName"))
                                    _myUserid = (string)attribute[0] ?? "";
                                if (attribute.Name.Equals("userPrincipalName"))
                                    _myUPN = (string)attribute[0] ?? "";
                                //etc with each datum you return from AD
                        }//foreach DirectoryAttribute
                        //do something with all the above info, I put it into a dataset
                        }//foreach SearchResultEntry
                        if (pageResponse.Cookie.Length == 0)//check and see if there are more pages
                            break; //There are no more pages
                        pageRequest.Cookie = pageResponse.Cookie;
                   }//while loop
            }//using _LDAP
        }//JustGronkIT method
    }//ADImport class
} //namespace
于 2012-06-29T14:06:08.400 回答

UserPrincipal实现IDisposableresult尝试在 foreach 循环内调用 Dispose 。

我也发现了这个SO question,但没有就答案达成一致。

于 2012-06-14T13:51:53.367 回答

在经历了很多挫折和一些提示之后,我想出了一个解决方案。我还发现了一个有趣的事情,即如何将 using 块与 DirectoryServices 资源与 DataContext 结合使用,如下面的代码片段所示。我可能不需要使用终结器,但为了安全起见,我还是这样做了。我发现通过执行下面概述的操作,我的内存在运行期间是稳定的,而在我必须每天两次终止应用程序以释放资源之前。

using System.DirectoryServices;
using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement;

namespace myPlugins
    public class ADImport : Plugin
        //I defined these outside my method so I can call a Finalizer before unloading the appDomain 
        private PrincipalContext AD = null; 
        private PrincipalSearcher ps = null;
        private DirectoryEntry _LDAP = null; //used to get underlying LDAP properties for a user
        private MDBDataContext _db = null; //used to connect to a SQL server, also uses unmanaged resources

        public override GronkIT()
            using (AD = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain,"my.domain.com"))
                UserPrincipal u = new UserPrincipal(AD);
                using(ps = new PrincipalSearcher(u))
                    foreach(UserPrincipal result in ps.FindAll())
                        using (result)
                            _LDAP = (DirectoryEntry)result.GetUnderlyingObject();
                            //do stuff with result
                            //do stuff with _LDAP
                            result.Dispose(); //even though I am using a using block, if I do not explicitly call Dispose, it's never disposed of
                            _LDAP.Dispose(); //even though I am using a using block, if I do not explicitly call Dispose, it's never disposed of

        public override JustGronkIT()
            using(_db = new MDBDataContext("myconnectstring"))
                //do stuff with SQL
                //Note that I am using a using block and connections to SQL are properly disposed of when the using block ends

            AD.Dispose(); //This works, does not throw an exception
            AD = null;
            ps.Dispose(); //This works, does not throw an exception
            ps = null;
            _LDAP.Dispose(); //This works, does not throw an exception
            _LDAP = null;
            _db.Dispose(); //This throws an exception saying that you can not call Dispose on an already disposed of object
于 2012-06-19T14:04:44.080 回答


public class AdUser
    public string SamAccountName { get; set; }
    public string DisplayName { get; set; }
    public string Mail { get; set; }

public List<AdUser> GetAllUsers()
    List<AdUser> users = new List<AdUser>();

    using (PrincipalContext context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, Environment.UserDomainName))
        using PrincipalSearcher searcher = new PrincipalSearcher(new UserPrincipal(context));
        using PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> allResults = searcher.FindAll();

        foreach (Principal result in allResults)
            using DirectoryEntry de = result.GetUnderlyingObject() as DirectoryEntry;

            AdUser user = new AdUser()
                SamAccountName = (string)de.Properties["samAccountName"].Value,
                DisplayName = (string)de.Properties["displayName"].Value,
                Mail = (string)de.Properties["mail"].Value


    return users;


于 2021-06-10T15:51:02.073 回答