I'm using Visual C++ 6.0 in Windows 7. I go to File->New. I choose Win32 application and name it HelloWorld. "Win32 Appliction Step 1 of 1" comes up. I choose "A Typical Hello World Application". VC creates a simple Hello World App.
I select the file HelloWorld.cpp. I paste in the following defines at the top of the HelloWorld.cpp file:
#define UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
I then double click on HelloWorld.rc. I open up the "Dialog" item. Under it is IDD_ABOUTBOX. I double click that. I then add an EDITTEXT control to the dialog window. I hit ctrl-F5 to run the program.
I choose about and the about dialog is displayed along with EDITTEXT control. I then goto to the charmap.exe application and select a japanese hiragana character from the Meiryo font. I copy it to the clipboard.
I then paste it into the EDITTEXT control. It shows up as a "?" question mark.
I don't understand what to do. How can I get dialog edit boxes to accept Unicode?
Thanks in advance, Ryan