需要在我的水晶报告中将序列号显示为罗马字母(i、ii、iii、iv 等)。我将序列号捕获为记录号(1,2,3,4...)。所以我必须在水晶报告中为它做些什么。


2 回答 2



于 2015-03-04T07:10:28.593 回答

我不能承担太多的功劳;我只是将这篇 VB Helper 文章中的代码移植到 Crystal 中,但这是一个有趣的练习:

NumberVar iCounter := 0;
Local StringVar ch := "";
Local NumberVar result := 0;
Local NumberVar new_value := 0;
Local NumberVar old_value := 0;
Local StringVar temp := "";

temp := UpperCase({?@Roman});

old_value = 1000;

For iCounter := 1 To Len(temp) do
    // See what the next character is worth.
    ch := Mid(temp, iCounter, 1);

    if ch = "I" then new_value := 1
    else if ch = "V" then new_value := 5
    else if ch = "X" then new_value := 10
    else if ch = "L" then new_value := 50
    else if ch = "C" then new_value := 100
    else if ch = "D" then new_value := 500
    else if ch = "M" then new_value := 1000;

    // See if this character is bigger
    // than the previous one.
    If new_value > old_value Then
        // The new value > the previous one.
        // Add this value to the result
        // and subtract the previous one twice.
        result := result + new_value - 2 * old_value
        // The new value <= the previous one.
        // Add it to the result.
        result := result + new_value;

    old_value := new_value;

// Format the number without commas or decimals
ToText(result, 0, "");


于 2012-06-25T23:24:54.123 回答