
我想要一个可以读取/扫描条形码类型 Code 25 的库。请帮助我。



2 回答 2


只需指出 Code 25(AKA 2 of 5,及其交错变体)由 Android 的 Barcode Scanner 解码,后者又使用 ZXing。(尽管官方并未将 ZXing 项目页面列为支持)。

您可以下载最新版本的 ZXing 并使用不同的包名称重新打包 BB 的核心,这样它们就不会与内置的 ZXing 库(这是旧版本)发生冲突,并对其进行测试。

于 2012-06-14T09:04:48.947 回答
Import the required classes.
import java.util.*;

import net.rim.device.api.barcodelib.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.*;
import net.rim.device.api.ui.container.*;

import com.google.zxing.*;
Create a class to run the application by extending UiApplication.
public final class BarcodeScanDemo extends UiApplication
Create a constructor for the class, and display a BarcodeScanDemoScreen object.
    public BarcodeScanDemo()
    pushScreen(new BarcodeScanDemoScreen());
Create the main method that starts the application.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        new BarcodeScanDemo().enterEventDispatcher();
Define a screen for your class that extends the MainScreen class.
final class BarcodeScanDemoScreen extends MainScreen
Create a constructor for the screen.
    public BarcodeScanDemoScreen() 
Create a BarcodeDecoderListener object to handle the data that is received when a barcode is scanned. In it, implement barcodeDecoded() to process the raw data that is sent by the decoder.
        BarcodeDecoderListener listener = new BarcodeDecoderListener()
            public void barcodeDecoded( String rawText )
                // Do something with the raw text
Create a Hashtable to store decoding hints in.
        Hashtable hints = new Hashtable();
Create a new Vector object to store barcode formats in.
        Vector formats = new Vector();
Add the BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE constant to the Vector object using Vector.addElement(Object obj). You can add more than one constant (hint) to a Vector object.
Invoke Hashtable.put(Object key, Object value), and add the Vector object to the hash table. The DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS constant is used to specify that the hints contained in the Vector object are barcode formats. Other constants for decoding hints can be found in the com.google.zxing.DecodeHintType class.
        hints.put(DecodeHintType.POSSIBLE_FORMATS, formats);
Construct a BarcodeDecoder object to decode data received from the camera's viewfinder into usable raw data. Pass the Hashtable object into it.
        BarcodeDecoder decoder = new BarcodeDecoder( hints ); 
Create a try block, and construct a MainScreen object to contain the camera viewfinder.
            MainScreen screen = new MainScreen();
Construct a BarcodeScanner object, and pass the BarcodeDecoder and BarcodeListener objects into it. Invoke BarcodeScanner.getVideoControl() to return a VideoControl object. Invoke VideoControl.setDisplayFullScreen(true) to set the video's display to full screen.
            BarcodeScanner scanner = new BarcodeScanner( decoder,
                                         listener );
            scanner.getVideoControl().setDisplayFullScreen( true );
Invoke Screen.add(Field field) to add the barcode scanner's view finder to the screen, then invoke UiApplication.pushScreen(Screen screen) to display the viewfinder.
            screen.add( scanner.getViewFinder() );
            UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen( screen );
Start the barcode scanner by invoking BarcodeScanner.startScan(). Close the try block.
Open a catch block to catch any errors that may occur.
        catch (Exception e)
            // Catch errors here
于 2012-06-14T07:33:50.637 回答