i have developed an activeX dll using visual studio 2005.when i run in ie browser it displays "activeX is unsafe to run" warning. to overcome this i have to sign the activeX dll. can you tell what is the procedure to sign a activeX dll?

i have tried signing using Self signed certificate using openssl and signtool.exe tool, and made the dll signed during the compilation and packaged with the signed dll. After Signing also i'm getting the same warning. Please can anyone give a correct method to sign an dll and use it properly ?


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您必须从 Thawte、Verisign 或 GeoTrust 等证书提供商之一购买代码签名证书。他们将为您提供证书和私钥以进行签名。

否则,您可以使用 VS 提供的工具对您的 activex 控件进行自签名。首先,您需要使用 makecert 创建证书


创建证书后,您需要使用 signtool 对 activex 控件进行签名


阅读这篇关于如何使用 makecert 和 signtool 的文章

于 2012-06-14T06:08:30.907 回答