请告诉我查询远程 Access 数据库有更好的解决方案!
我们目前正在使用它,因为到目前为止我们未能连接 sp_linkedserver。我觉得这是一个可怕的 hack,我想一劳永逸地完成整个网络映射业务!
'This is for access 2007
'DataBase on Local Machine
'Before a conneciton is made this code sends the credentials to the remote path.
Dim objNetwork As Object
objNetwork = Microsoft.VisualBasic.CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'this line below deletes the drive if there is one so that a correct mapped drive can be created
Dim DriveLetter = "W:" ' *** This drive needs to be deleted after it is created see the end of this sub for deletion
Dim RemotePath = "\\volume10\pickles\toads\rocks\sheepy\almostTodb\behindTheScenes"
Dim UserID = "sysama01\starUser"
Dim UserPWD = "secretPass"
objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(DriveLetter, RemotePath, False, UserID, UserPWD)
'****.MapNetworkDrive(strLocalDrive, strRemoteShare, [persistent], [strUser], [strPassword])
'strLocalDrive : The drive letter (e.g. L:)
'strRemoteShare : The UNC path to the remote drive \\MyServer\MyPrinter
'(String value)
'persistent : True/False - store the mapping persistently in the users profile
'default = false
'strUser : The user name. (Optional)
'strPassword : The password. (Optional)
' Location for code http://ss64.com/vb/drivemap.html
'DataBase on Network Drive
objConn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=W:\SuperDeliciousFoodDB.accdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=databasePasswordHere")
'DataBase on Network Drive
objCmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * from pancakeTable, objConn)
objReader = objCmd.ExecuteReader
'Do more codestuffs here