So, I am currently wrestling with my local IT support at work, trying to decide if I need x32 or x64 bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in my new development environment.

I am curious: What are the pros/cons of each system architecture? I will be using primarily Eclipse to do my coding, with several command line utilities to assist. (Git, ANT, etc.) I will also be using numerous plugins, such as EGit, Window Builder Pro, and others.

The IT guy is worried that if i ask for x64 now, in a week I'll be calling him back asking for x32 because some piece of software I need isn't supported.



2 回答 2


选择 64 位。

Eclipse 和 java 工作正常。

您可能有奇怪的旧版 32 位二进制文​​件,但如果您安装 32 位库,它也可以正常运行。

巨大的优势是你可以在一个进程中拥有超过 3GB 的内存——根据我的经验,在做 java 的事情时非常重要;-)

于 2012-06-13T17:39:45.203 回答


缺点:您需要使用任何本机库的 64 位版本。

于 2012-06-13T17:36:54.530 回答