文件夹的 .Size 属性是动态计算的。因此,该子树中的所有分支和叶子对于操作的成功至关重要。我的 C:\ 包含一个隐藏的系统文件夹“系统卷信息”,我可以获得以下的 .Name 但不是 .Size:
>> sFP = "System Volume Information"
>> If goFS.FolderExists(sFP) Then WScript.Echo goFS.GetFolder(sFP).Name
System Volume Information
>> If goFS.FolderExists(sFP) Then WScript.Echo goFS.GetFolder(sFP).Size
Error Number: 70
Error Description: Permission denied
为了进行测试,我让我的 root 搞乱了我的 linux 共享上映射为 e:\bin 的文件夹。根看到:
[-rwx------ eh 16] bin/dragit-ssh.sh
[lrwxrwxrwx eh 33] bin/komodo -> /home/eh/Komodo-Edit-6/bin/komodo
[drwxr-xr-x eh 4.0K] bin/pics
[-rwxr--r-- eh 6.0K] bin/pics/Thumbs.db
[-rwxr--r-- eh 20K] bin/pics/jsa.JPG
[-rwx------ root 10K] bin/pics/x
[-rwxr-xr-x eh 45] bin/rhinos.sh
[drwx------ root 4.0K] bin/rootsown
[-rwxr-xr-x root 10K] bin/rootsown/x
[-rwx------ eh 523] bin/showpath.sh
[-rwxr--r-- eh 325] bin/sp6p.sh
2 directories, 9 files
14392 /home/eh/bin/rootsown
40595 /home/eh/bin/pics
60025 /home/eh/bin
在 linux 上,我可以看到:
[-rwx------ eh 16] bin/dragit-ssh.sh
[lrwxrwxrwx eh 33] bin/komodo -> /home/eh/Komodo-Edit-6/bin/komodo
[drwxr-xr-x eh 4.0K] bin/pics
[-rwxr--r-- eh 6.0K] bin/pics/Thumbs.db
[-rwxr--r-- eh 20K] bin/pics/jsa.JPG
[-rwx------ root 10K] bin/pics/x
[-rwxr-xr-x eh 45] bin/rhinos.sh
[drwx------ root 4.0K] bin/rootsown [error opening dir]
[-rwx------ eh 523] bin/showpath.sh
[-rwxr--r-- eh 325] bin/sp6p.sh
2 directories, 8 files
4096 bin/rootsown
40595 bin/pics
49729 bin
两个重要的事实:我不允许“查看”rootsown 目录,所以我看不到 bin/rootsown/x 或调整其大小;但是 bin/pics/x 的大小并不是什么秘密,尽管我被禁止阅读、更改或执行它。
>> sf = "e:\bin\pics"
>> WScript.Echo goFS.GetFolder(sf).Size
您可以获得包含讨厌文件的文件夹的 .Size 。
>> sf = "e:\bin"
>> WScript.Echo goFS.GetFolder(sf).Size
Error Number: 70
Error Description: Permission denied
您无法获得包含讨厌的子(子...)文件夹的文件夹的 .Size 。
>> sf = "e:\bin\pics\rootsown"
>> WScript.Echo goFS.GetFolder(sf).Size
Error Number: 76
Error Description: Path not found
当您询问讨厌的文件夹的 .Size 时,您会收到“找不到路径”错误
基于此,我愿意接受彼得的赌注。如果您可以通过更改文件的属性或权限来证明您可以使父文件夹的 .Size 分别成功。失败,我将支付 10 欧元,- 给我遇到的下一个无家可归者。
dir /s e:\bin
Volume in drive E is eh
Volume Serial Number is 0ED6-233C
Directory of e:\bin
4.06.2012 18:42 <DIR> .
4.06.2012 08:04 <DIR> ..
2.01.2012 12:21 45 rhinos.sh
3.06.2012 22:55 <DIR> rootsown
3.10.2011 16:42 325 sp6p.sh
4.06.2012 19:46 <DIR> pics
1.07.2010 23:34 523 showpath.sh
8.10.2010 16:57 582 komodo
4.05.2010 12:53 16 dragit-ssh.sh
5 File(s) 1.491 bytes
Directory of e:\bin\pics
4.06.2012 19:46 <DIR> .
4.06.2012 18:42 <DIR> ..
5.08.2011 10:22 10.296 x
0.07.2008 03:44 6.144 Thumbs.db
9.06.2012 23:29 20.059 jsa.JPG
3 File(s) 36.499 bytes
Total Files Listed:
8 File(s) 37.990 bytes
6 Dir(s) bytes free
似乎 dir 知道我被允许知道的内容,并且它并没有被讨厌的文件夹过度干扰。
使用 dir 的脚本:
Option Explicit
Dim reX : Set reX = New RegExp
reX.Pattern = "Directory\s+of\s+(.+?)\r[\s\S]+?Total[\s\S]+?([.\d]+\sbytes)"
Dim oMTS : Set oMTS = reX.Execute(WScript.StdIn.ReadAll())
If 1 = oMTS.Count Then
WScript.Echo "Size of", oMTS(0).SubMatches(0), "=>", oMTS(0).SubMatches(1)
WScript.Echo "Bingo!"
End If
dir /s e:\bin | cscript folsiz2.vbs
Size of e:\bin => 37.990 bytes
RegExp 模式搜索
Directory\s+of\s+ The first "Directory of "
(.+?) capture the path of the folder, that is
the sequence of 'everything except \n' but non greedy, so
\r the first \r will not be included in the capture
[\s\S]+? non greedy sequence of 'really everything (space or non-space)'
Total until "Total" is found
[\s\S]+? advance but stop for the first
([.\d]+\sbytes) sequence of . or digits followed by " bytes", capture
that because that is the first sum after Total