当我在 Eclipse 中启动一个基本的 Qt 应用程序时,它会因“.exe 已停止工作”错误而崩溃。

上下文 :

  • 它是创建 Qt GUI 项目(带有 MainWindow)时获得的基本应用程序,其中没有任何更改,甚至没有添加按钮

  • PATH 包含所有必要的东西(mingw、msys、qt)

  • 项目属性和eclipse路径也应该没问题(c++,qt,mingw)

  • .pro 文件没问题,没有文件丢失

  • 清理和重建,以及重新启动 Eclipse 并不能解决问题

  • 编译时没有错误,只是一个被忽略的“ cannot lstat `ui_.h': No such file or directory ”。搜索时未找到相关结果。

  • 如果启动,则以上述错误停止。详细信息显示其应用程序崩溃,错误代码为 c0000005,偏移量 00002cb20。搜索结果告诉我 c0000005 是访问冲突,但它来自哪里?这是基本的应用程序...

  • 试图在 eclipse 处于管理员模式下启动以防止访问冲突,但没有帮助

  • 如果在调试模式下启动,则会因错误“无法在 ../mingw/main.c 找到源文件”而停止。我以为我在安装 mingw 时忘记了一些东西,所以我再次进行了设置,但这并没有创建该文件。这里也没有相关的搜索结果。

  • 我的设置:eclipse classic x32 with c++ & php stuff, qt 4.8, win7 x64

I'm getting lost here. I already worked with Qt under Eclipse before (on winXP and vista), got my bunch of installing problems but this one is a first. Anybody went through this already ? Any leads on how to find where the access violation is happening ? Reading this question makes me think it's a Qt Eclipse Integration problem, but how can I circumvent that ?

Thanks for any leads !


1 回答 1


Your project doesn't have a TARGET = set in the .pro file. This was probably caused by an Eclipse/Qt plugin wizard screw up, so just typing a new target may not work, other files may have to be renamed manually.

FWIW development on the Qt plugin for Eclipse was halted some time ago, building outside of Qt Creator is definitely one way of making life more difficult for yourself.

于 2012-06-13T19:41:33.057 回答