我将 Asp.Net 与 MySql 一起使用,我正在尝试解决错误:

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

我正在努力确保我没有泄漏任何连接。我需要知道连接池的状态(现在打开了多少个连接)?在这个线程 中,我了解到我可以使用性能监视器来了解池数。但是当使用 MySql 而不是 Sql Server 时,我该怎么做呢?


1 回答 1



OracleConnection我已经使用 Oracle 完成了以下操作,我认为它可以通过一些小的修改(例如 change等)与 MySQL 一起使用。您可以创建一个名为 ConnectionSpy 的类(见下文)。这是在 VB.Net 中,如果您愿意,您可以将代码转换为 C#。

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports Oracle.DataAccess.Client
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.IO

Public Class ConnectionSpy
    Dim con As OracleConnection
    Dim st As StackTrace
    Dim handler As StateChangeEventHandler
    Dim logfileName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal con As OracleConnection, ByVal st As StackTrace, ByVal logfileName As String)
        If (logfileName Is Nothing Or logfileName.Trim().Length() = 0) Then
            Throw New ArgumentException("The logfileName cannot be null or empty", logfileName)
        End If

        Me.logfileName = logfileName
        Me.st = st
        'latch on to the connection
        Me.con = con
        handler = AddressOf StateChange
        AddHandler con.StateChange, handler
        'substitute the spy's finalizer for the 
    End Sub
    Public Sub StateChange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal args As System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs)
        If args.CurrentState = ConnectionState.Closed Then
            'detach the spy object and let it float away into space
            'if the connection and the spy are already in the FReachable queue
            'GC.SuppressFinalize doesn't do anyting.
            RemoveHandler con.StateChange, handler
            con = Nothing
            st = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub
    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
        'if we got here then the connection was not closed.
        Using stream As FileStream = New FileStream( _
                    logfileName, _
                    FileMode.Append, _
                    FileAccess.Write, _

            Using sw As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(stream)
                Dim text As String = _
                    DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") & _
                    ": WARNING: Open Connection is being Garbage Collected" & _
                    Environment.NewLine & "The connection was initially opened " & st.ToString()
                RemoveHandler con.StateChange, handler
                'clean up the connection
            End Using

        End Using
    End Sub
End Class

然后,在您的 web.config/app.config 中,您可以添加如下部分:

          if you need to track connections that are not being closed, set
          UseConnectionSpy to "true". If you use the connection spy, a log
          will be created (the logfile can be specified with the ConnectionSpyLog
          parameter) which will give you a stack trace of each code location
          where a connection was not closed        
    <add key="UseConnectionSpy" value="true"/>
    <add key="ConnectionSpyLog" value="c:\\log\\connectionspy.log"/>

然后,无论您在代码中创建数据库连接的何处,都可以执行此操作(见下文)。该mConnection变量将代表您的 MySQL 连接,当您到达这一点时,您已经创建了该连接。

    If ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("UseConnectionSpy") = "true" Then
        Dim st As StackTrace = New StackTrace(True)
        Dim sl As ConnectionSpy = New ConnectionSpy(mConnection, st, _
    End If


您需要做的是为您的 MySQL 数据库连接创建一个包装类,您可以将上述代码放在适当的位置以跟踪连接。或者,您可以将上述调用添加到您创建连接的任何位置。包装类虽然有点干净(这就是我们所做的)

于 2012-06-13T12:30:11.647 回答