我正在为具有所有不同字母表的国际客户工作,因此我试图最终了解 PHP 和 MySQL 之间的完整工作流程,以确保正确插入所有字符编码。我已经阅读了很多关于这方面的教程,但仍然有问题(有很多东西要学),我想我可以把它们放在一起问。


header('Content-Type:text/html; charset=UTF-8');


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">
<form accept-charset="UTF-8"> .. </form>



CREATE database_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;ALTER database_name DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8;和/或utf8_general_ci用作 MySQL 连接排序规则。

(这里需要注意的是,如果使用 varchar 会增加数据库大小)


mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER_SET utf8");


检测是否不是 UTF8mb_detect_encoding()并转换为ivon().
验证过长的 UTF8 和 UTF16 序列

$body=preg_replace('/\xE0[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]|\xED[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]/S','?', $body);


  • 在 PHP 5.3 及更高版本中是mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8')必需的,如果是这样,这是否意味着我必须使用所有多字节函数而不是其核心函数,例如mb_substr()而不是substr()

  • 是否仍然需要检查格式错误的输入字符串,如果是这样,那么可靠的函数/类是什么?我可能不想删除不良数据并且对音译知之甚少。

  • 真的应该是utf8_general_ci还是应该utf8_bin

  • 上述工作流程中是否缺少某些内容?



2 回答 2

  • mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8') doesn't do anything by itself, it only sets the default encoding parameter for each mb_ function. If you're not using any mb_ function, it doesn't make any difference. If you are, it makes sense to set it so you don't have to pass the $encoding parameter each time individually.
  • IMO mb_detect_encoding is mostly useless since it's fundamentally impossible to accurately detect the encoding of unknown text. You should either know what encoding a blob of text is in because you have a specification about it, or you need to parse appropriate meta data like headers or meta tags where the encoding is specified.
  • Using mb_check_encoding to check if a blob of text is valid in the encoding you expect it to be in is typically sufficient. If it's not, discard it and throw an appropriate error.
  • Regarding:

    does this mean I have to use all multi byte functions instead of its core functions

    If you are manipulating strings that contain multibyte characters, then yes, you need to use the mb_ functions to avoid getting wrong results. The core string functions only work on a byte level, not a character level, which is what you typically want when working with strings.

  • utf8_general_ci vs. utf8_bin only makes a difference when collating, i.e. sorting and comparing strings. With utf8_bin data is treated in binary form, i.e. only identical data is identical. With utf8_general_ci some logic is applied, e.g. "é" sorts together with "e" and upper case is considered equal to lower case.
于 2012-06-13T12:06:44.110 回答

它真的应该是 utf8_general_ci 还是 utf8_bin?

您必须使用 utf8_bin 进行区分大小写的搜索,否则 utf8_general_ci

is mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8') necessary in PHP 5.3 and higher and if so does this mean I have to use all multi byte functions instead of its core functions like mb_substr() instead of substr()?

Yes of course, If you have a multibyte string you need mb_* family function to work with, except for binary safe php standard function like str_replace(); (and few others)

is it still necessary to check for malformed input stings and if so what is a reliable function/class to do so? I possibly do not want to strip bad data and don't know enough about transliteration.

Hmm, no you can't check it.

于 2012-06-13T12:02:33.330 回答