Let's say I have a .csv file that looks a little like that:


And with a PS script I'd like to make it look like this:


I was thinking about using something like this:


But it doesn't work. I'm new to powershell and don't use regex so often so I probably made noob mistakes... Do you guys have a solution?


1 回答 1


看起来内容没有标题,您可以在运行时添加它们。此示例替换 col1 值并从字符串末尾删除 '_foo' 或 '_bar':

Import-Csv test.csv -Header col1,col2 | Foreach-Object {
    $_.col1 = $_.col1 -replace '(_foo|_bar)$'

col1   col2      
----   ----      
first  first_foo 
first  first_bar 
second second_foo
second second_bar
于 2012-06-13T10:12:47.700 回答