我正在使用 Autofac 并希望解决当前程序集的正确实现

我有一个 DataContextFactory 接口和类:

Public Interface IDataContextFactory
  Inherits IDisposable

  Function GetDataContext() As IDataContext

End Interface


Public Class CDataContextFactory
  Implements IDataContextFactory

  Private m_oDbContext As IDataContext

  Public Sub New(ByVal i_oDbContext As IDataContext)
    m_oDbContext = i_oDbContext
  End Sub

  Public Function GetDataContext() As CoreData.IDataContext Implements CoreData.IDataContextFactory.GetDataContext
    Return m_oDbContext
  End Function

End Class

所以现在我在每个注册的程序集中都有不同的 IDataContext 实现。例如,我有一个名为 ReportData 的程序集,其中包含数据上下文

Public Class CReportDataContext
  Inherits DbContext
  Implements IDataContext

End Class

以及另一个程序集 CommonData 中的一个实现

Public Class CFacadeDataContext
  Implements IDataContext

End Class

然后我在每个程序集中都有我的 IRepository 的实现。例如

Public MustInherit Class CBaseReadRepository(Of T As {IEntity, Class})
  Implements IReadRepository(Of T)

  Private m_oDataContextFactory As IDataContextFactory
  Private m_oDataContext As IDataContext

  Protected ReadOnly m_oObjectDataSet As CQuery(Of T)

  Public Sub New(ByVal i_oDataContextFactory As IDataContextFactory)
    m_oDataContextFactory = i_oDataContextFactory
    m_oObjectDataSet = DataContext.ObjectDataSet(Of T)()
  End Sub

End Class

那么我该如何解决DataContextFactory将解析Assembly ReportData中的CReportDataContext和Assembly CommonData中的CFacadeDataContext

这是我的 ContainerBuilder 注册:

Dim builder As New ContainerBuilder()

Dim oData = Assembly.Load("ReportData")
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(oData).Where(Function(t) t.Name.EndsWith("DataContext")).As(Of IDataContext) _

oData = Assembly.Load("CommonData")
builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(oData).Where(Function(t) t.Name.EndsWith("DataContext")) _

builder.RegisterAdapter(Of IDataContext, IDataContextFactory)(Function(x) New CDataContextFactory(x))



1 回答 1


Autofac 没有对这种用例的内置支持。一般来说,建议您尽量不要将特定实现与消费者联系起来,因为这会破坏整个 IoC 模式——您最好在类中“新建”您需要的依赖类型,而不是注入它。

如果您绝对必须将它们捆绑在一起,那么您只有几个选择。两者都不漂亮,并且都需要您更改注册内容的方式 - 您可能无法RegisterAssemblyTypes像现在一样进行程序集扫描。


var contextParam = ResolvedParameter.ForNamed<IDataContext>("some-name");


builder.Register(c => new Consumer(new SomeContext())).As<IConsumer>();

最后,您可以创建一个特殊的模块来确定消费者来自哪个程序集,并尝试将其与相应的IDataContext. 这更“自动”,但要复杂得多。存根可能如下所示:

public class DataContextModule : Autofac.Module
  protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(
    IComponentRegistry componentRegistry,
    IComponentRegistration registration)
    registration.Preparing += OnComponentPreparing;

  public static void OnComponentPreparing(object sender, PreparingEventArgs e)
    Type typeBeingResolved = e.Component.Activator.LimitType;
    // TODO: Do some reflection to determine if the type takes an IDataContext
    // in the constructor. If it doesn't, bail. If it does...

    var parameter = new ResolvedParameter(
      (p, i) => p.ParameterType = typeof(IDataContext),
      (p, i) => {
        // TODO: Use i (the IComponentContext for the resolution)
        // to locate the right IDataContext from the list of registrations,
        // resolve that one, and return it so it can be used in
        // constructing the consumer object.



public interface ICoreDataContext : IDataContext { }


public SomeClass(ICoreDataContext context);


于 2012-06-13T16:11:21.757 回答