我从 sourceForge 获得的这个 sourceFile 中有 26 个错误。它是斯坦福 CS106B 库的一部分,因此不应该有任何错误。
- C2059:语法错误:'public C2990:'Iterator':非类模板已被声明为类模板
- C2255:“朋友”:不允许在类定义之外
- C2146:语法错误:缺少“;” 在标识符“foreachHook”之前
- C4430:缺少类型说明符 - 假定为 int。注意:C++ 不支持默认整数
- C2065:“FE_State”:未声明的标识符
有了这么多错误,直觉可能是一个简单的原因,而不是 26 个复杂的原因。
* File: private/bst.h
* Last modified on Fri Jun 5 15:40:43 2009 by eroberts
* -----------------------------------------------------
* This file contains the private section of the bst.h interface.
* This portion of the class definition is taken out of the bst.h
* header so that the client need not have to see all of these
* details.
* Class: BST<ElemType>::Iterator
* ------------------------------
* This interface defines a nested class within the BST template that
* provides iterator access to the keys contained in the BST.
class Iterator {
bool hasNext();
ElemType next();
struct iteratorMarkerT {
void *np;
bool processed;
Iterator(BST *bstp);
BST *bstp;
Stack<iteratorMarkerT> stack;
long timestamp;
void advanceToNextNode();
void findLeftmostChild();
friend class BST;
friend class Iterator;
ElemType foreachHook(FE_State & _fe);
* Deep copying support
* --------------------
* This copy constructor and operator= are defined to make a
* deep copy, making it possible to pass/return trees by value
* and assign from one tree to another. The entire contents of
* the tree, including all elements, are copied. Each tree
* element is copied from the original tree to the copy using
* assignment (operator=). Making copies is generally avoided
* because of the expense and thus, trees are typically passed
* by reference, however, when a copy is needed, these operations
* are supported.
const BST & operator=(const BST & rhs);
BST(const BST & rhs);
/* Type definition for node in the tree */
struct nodeT {
ElemType data;
nodeT *left, *right;
int bf; /* AVL balance factor */
/* Constant definitions */
static const int BST_RIGHT_HEAVY = +1;
static const int BST_IN_BALANCE = 0;
static const int BST_LEFT_HEAVY = -1;
/* Instance variables */
nodeT *root;
int numNodes;
long timestamp;
int (*cmpFn)(ElemType, ElemType);
/* Private method prototypes */
nodeT *recFindNode(nodeT *t, ElemType & key);
bool recAddNode(nodeT * & t, ElemType & key, bool & createdNewNode);
bool recRemoveNode(nodeT * & t, ElemType & key, bool & didRemove);
bool removeTargetNode(nodeT * & t);
void updateBF(nodeT * & t, int bfDelta);
void recDeleteTree(nodeT *t);
void recBSTAll(nodeT *t, void (*fn)(ElemType));
void fixRightImbalance(nodeT * & t);
void fixLeftImbalance(nodeT * & t);
void rotateRight(nodeT * & t);
void rotateLeft(nodeT * & t);
void copyOtherEntries(const BST & other);
/* Template method prototypes */
template <typename ClientDataType>
void recBSTAll(nodeT *t, void (*fn)(ElemType, ClientDataType &),
ClientDataType & data);