我有一个 IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> ,我想使用正则表达式数组对其进行过滤以查找潜在匹配项。我一直在尝试使用 linq 加入我的目录和正则表达式字符串,但似乎无法正确处理。这就是我想要做的......
string[] regexStrings = ... // some regex match code here.
// get all of the directories below some root that match my initial criteria.
var directories = from d in root.GetDirectories("*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
where (d.Attributes & (FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Hidden)) == 0
&& (d.GetDirectories().Where(dd => (dd.Attributes & (FileAttributes.System | FileAttributes.Hidden)) == 0).Count() > 0// has directories
|| d.GetFiles().Where(ff => (ff.Attributes & (FileAttributes.Hidden | FileAttributes.System)) == 0).Count() > 0) // has files)
select d;
// filter the list of all directories based on the strings in the regex array
var filteredDirs = from d in directories
join s in regexStrings on Regex.IsMatch(d.FullName, s) // compiler doesn't like this line
select d;