为此,我改编了来自wikipedia的代码,以计算具有固定精度的 gmp 的精度:
int main( int argc, char **argv )
long int precision = 100;
mpf_set_default_prec(precision); // in principle redundant, but who cares
mpf_t machEps, one, temp; // "one" is the "1" in gmp. tmp is to comparison.
mpf_init2(machEps, precision);
mpf_set_ui(machEps, 1); // eps = 1
mpf_init_set(one,machEps); // ensure "one" has the same precision as machEps
mpf_init_set(temp,machEps); // ensure "temp" has the same precision as machEps
do {
mpf_div_ui(machEps,machEps,2); // eps = eps/2
mpf_div_ui(temp,machEps,2); // temp = eps/2
mpf_add(temp,temp,one); // temp += 1
while ( mpf_cmp(temp,one)); // temp == 1
/// print the result...
char *t = new char[400];
mp_exp_t expprt;
mpf_get_str(NULL, &expprt, 10, 10, machEps);
sprintf(t, "%se%ld", mpf_get_str(NULL, &expprt, 10, mpf_get_default_prec(), machEps), expprt);
printf( "Calculated Machine epsilon: %s\n", t);
return 0;
但是,结果与维基百科的公式不一致,也不会随着我设置的精度而变化。我错过了什么?我也尝试过使用 double 和 float (c 标准),结果是正确的......