
我有一个这样的 wp7 应用程序:

private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    GeoCoordinateWatcher watcher = new GeoCoordinateWatcher();
    watcher.PositionChanged += new EventHandler<GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate>>(watcher_PositionChanged);

void watcher_PositionChanged(object sender, GeoPositionChangedEventArgs<GeoCoordinate> e)



2 回答 2


watcher is a local variable, but that doesn't affect the object necessarily. You've asked the GeoCoordinateWatcher to start - I'd expect it to maintain a reference to itself, effectively, or stash one somewhere appropriate.

It sounds like either you ought to disable the button once it's clicked, or you need to keep the watcher in an instance variable so that you can dispose of the old one and create a new one. (I'm not sure why that would be useful though.)

EDIT: As there are two incorrect answers here, let me just clear something up... an event publisher (the watcher in this case) has references to the handler delegates. If those delegates refer to instance methods (as it does in this case) then there's a reference to an instance of the type containing that method:

 Event publisher => delegate => instance of type with handler method

That means that as long as the publisher isn't garbage collected (and the event handler still exists), the instance associated with the delegate can't be collected. It doesn't prevent the publisher itself from being garbage collected.

In other words, if GeoCoordinateWatcher didn't do something "special" (probably in the Start method) it could be garbage collected. There's no implicit reference from an event handler to the event publisher which prevents it from being garbage collected that way round.

于 2012-06-12T07:30:03.877 回答

GC 实际上不会收集watcher,因为事件仍然被分配(这意味着GeoCoordinateWatcher实例仍然被引用,因此没有被 GC 收集)。即使局部变量超出范围,实例仍然存在。



  1. 创建一个实例变量,并确保只做一次
  2. 确保在创建新实例之前正确处理旧实例(依赖垃圾收集器)
于 2012-06-12T07:34:53.313 回答