I have a set of Windows programs that is mostly created with VB6 and VC++ 6. Its installer is created using InstallShield.

A couple users have recently reported a problem trying to install it on Vista. It is complaining that "MDAC 2.6 Sp2 cannot be installed on this machine. MDAC 2.6 Sp2 requires any one of the following configurations", and then lists several OSes, Vista not among them.

A little googling shows that there's a bug in InstallShield's handling of MDAC - it shouldn't be checking for it on Vista, because there is no such thing as MDAC on Vista (there's a new thing - "Windows DAC").

I could make the change to my InstallShield project suggested on that page, but I am concerned about doing so, because I have no way to test it (this problem does not occur on all Vista machines, and I haven't been able to make it happen on any Vista machine I have access to).

However, after looking at Wikipedia's page on MDAC, I can't imagine why we would need it for our programs in the first place. We're not using any databases, at least not explictly (maybe some Microsoft component that we're using is using it, though?).

I was not the original author of the InstallShield project. I am beginning to suspect that MDAC might have been inadvertantly added to it, or perhaps advertantly but just as "uhhh, maybe we need that".

How can I explicitly tell whether my programs need MDAC or not? I can look at the references and such in the VB6 and VC++ projects; is there any way to tell from those whether I can safely remove MDAC from the InstallShield project? For example, perhaps there's a single MDAC reference which, if not present in my VB/VC++ projects, means that my programs definitely do not require MDAC?

Thanks in advance for any help.


3 回答 3


我希望您是对的,MDAC 可能包含在最初的 InstallShield 项目配置中,并且没有人愿意将其删除。

在 VB6 方面,您应该能够通过进入“参考”对话框(我认为它在 ide 的“项目”下拉菜单中)并检查是否有任何与 MDAC 相关的内容来判断是否正在使用 MDAC或 MSAccess。我有一段时间没有使用 VB6,但文本应该类似于“Microsoft ActiveX 数据对象 2.x 库”。

我猜它不太可能在 C++ 端使用,但您可以尝试搜索 msdado、mdac 和 msaccess 等关键字,以查看其中一个 mdac dll 上是否有任何#import 的迹象。

于 2009-07-08T16:05:25.673 回答

在部署到 Windows XP 及更高版本时,没有理由包含 MDAC 或 Jet 4.0,因为即使是 XP RTM(黄金版)也随 MDAC 2.7 和 Jet 4.0 一起提供。

Microsoft 数据访问组件 (MDAC) 发布历史

如何获取 Microsoft Jet 4.0 数据库引擎的最新服务包进入更近期的 Jet 历史。

MDAC 版本包括 ADO 的兼容性类型库,因此即使您的程序是针对 MDAC 2.6 编译的,它实际上也会在目标机器上使用最新的 ADO。如果该程序提前绑定到 ADOX,那么真正的悲痛可能会到来。

ADOX 从未附带适当的兼容性接口,因此程序几乎应该总是使用与 ADOX 的后期绑定。

DAO 是另一个问题,但是 (a.) 没有人应该在没有充分理由的情况下真正使用它,并且 (b.) 它在 DAO 3.6 中死去,所以只要您的程序升级到 3.6 和 Jet5x ( Jet 4.0,Access 2000 格式)。

当然,当从 XP 部署下层时,情况会变得更加复杂。

于 2009-07-08T23:06:40.470 回答

我认为从 Windows XP 开始,Microsoft 开始包含 MDAC。但是,在 MDAC 2.6 版和更高版本中,它们不再包含 Jet 4.0 组件。(Jet 4.0 SP8 可以在这里找到

如果您使用的是 Visual Fox Pro,则需要安装 ODBC 或 OLEDB 驱动程序,具体取决于您的代码。 ODBC OLEDB

所有这些下载都取决于至少安装了 MDAC 2.6。

于 2009-07-08T16:23:44.967 回答