我最近尝试在 dotcloud 上推送其中一个 php 示例,但出现以下错误。我不知道如何让它分配伪终端......
dotcloud push ramen ramen-on-dotcloud
# upload ramen-on-dotcloud ssh://dotcloud@uploader.dotcloud.com:443/ramen
# rsync
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
building file list ... done
sent 141 bytes received 20 bytes 35.78 bytes/sec
total size is 55 speedup is 0.34
22:34:16 ---> Deploy of "ramen" scheduled for revision rsync-1339454056336 at 2012-06-11
22:34:17 ---> Building the application...
22:34:17 [www] Build started for revision rsync-1339454056336 (clean build)
22:34:18 [www] I am snapshotsworker_00/bob-2, and I will be your builder today.
22:34:21 [www] Build completed successfully. Compiled image size is 427KB
22:34:21 ---> Application build is done
22:34:21 ---> Initializing new services... (This may take a few minutes)
22:34:21 ---> Using default scaling for service www (1 instance(s)).
22:34:21 ---> No new services found
22:34:21 ---> All services have been initialized. Deploying code...
22:34:21 [www.0] Deploying build revision rsync-1339454056336...
22:34:25 [www.0] Running postinstall script...
22:34:27 [www.0] Launching...
22:34:28 [www.0] Waiting for the instance to become responsive...
22:34:28 [www.0] Re-routing traffic to the new build...
22:34:29 [www.0] Successfully deployed build revision rsync-1339454056336
22:34:29 ---> Deploy finished
22:34:29 ---> Application fully deployed
Deployment finished. Your application is available at the following URLs
www: http://ramen-l.dotcloud.com/