我最近开始使用 Zend Framework,我仍然很习惯 session_start,并将变量分配给某些会话名称(即:$_SESSION['username'] == $username)
我试图弄清楚如何在 Zend 中做类似的事情。现在,我的身份验证脚本使用 LDAP 对我的 AD 服务器检查凭据,如果成功,则对用户进行身份验证。
我想创建一个脚本,允许管理员用户轻松“进入”其他人的会话。假设 admin1 有一个活动会话并且想要切换到 user1 的会话。通常我只会更改 $_SESSION['username'] 变量并有效地更改登录用户的身份。
但是对于 Zend,我不太确定如何更改会话信息。对于它的价值,这是我的身份验证脚本:
class LoginController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function getForm()
return new LoginForm(array(
'action' => '/login/process',
'method' => 'post',
public function getAuthAdapter(array $params)
$username = $params['username'];
$password = $params['password'];
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
require_once 'Zend/Config/Ini.php';
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini('../application/configs/application.ini', 'production');
$log_path = $config->ldap->log_path;
$options = $config->ldap->toArray();
require_once 'Zend/Auth/Adapter/Ldap.php';
$adapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_Ldap($options, $username, $password);
$result = $auth->authenticate($adapter);
if ($log_path) {
$messages = $result->getMessages();
require_once 'Zend/Log.php';
require_once 'Zend/Log/Writer/Stream.php';
require_once 'Zend/Log/Filter/Priority.php';
$logger = new Zend_Log();
$logger->addWriter(new Zend_Log_Writer_Stream($log_path));
$filter = new Zend_Log_Filter_Priority(Zend_Log::DEBUG);
foreach ($messages as $i => $message) {
if ($i-- > 1) { // $messages[2] and up are log messages
$message = str_replace("\n", "\n ", $message);
$logger->log("Ldap: $i: $message", Zend_Log::DEBUG);
return $adapter;
public function preDispatch()
if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
// If the user is logged in, we don't want to show the login form;
// however, the logout action should still be available
if ('logout' != $this->getRequest()->getActionName()) {
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index');
} else {
// If they aren't, they can't logout, so that action should
// redirect to the login form
if ('logout' == $this->getRequest()->getActionName()) {
public function indexAction()
$this->view->form = $this->getForm();
public function processAction()
$request = $this->getRequest();
// Check if we have a POST request
if (!$request->isPost()) {
return $this->_helper->redirector('index');
// Get our form and validate it
$form = $this->getForm();
if (!$form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
// Invalid entries
$this->view->form = $form;
return $this->render('index'); // re-render the login form
// Get our authentication adapter and check credentials
$adapter = $this->getAuthAdapter($form->getValues());
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$result = $auth->authenticate($adapter);
if (!$result->isValid()) {
// Invalid credentials
$form->setDescription('Invalid credentials provided');
$this->view->form = $form;
return $this->render('index'); // re-render the login form
// We're authenticated! Redirect to the home page
$this->_helper->redirector('index', 'index');
public function logoutAction()
$this->_helper->redirector('index'); // back to login page