首先,我承认不是 VB 专家,但我被要求检查我们的数据库系统,以处理我们应用程序的语言。问题是一些带重音的字符似乎在没有它们的情况下神奇地被转换了。

例如,在调用 Recordset.MoveNext 时,波兰语单词“przesunąć”将在记录字段中存储为“przesunac”。“Unicode 压缩”在该列上设置为 true,但我怀疑它是否相关。我试图找出是什么使这种神奇的转换,因为我不想要它。


1 回答 1


Someone stated at http://www.pcreview.co.uk/forums/no-unicode-dao-recordset-t1102041.html that " the Recordset contains correct data but that the Debugger window and Tooltips can't display Unicode strings". Interesting. Dumb, but interesting.

Fine, but why are the strings in ANSI in the file? Well, the next post in the same thread reads "If you want to write in Unicode with VBA, my feeling would be that you must write in binary mode; not in Text mode." This lead me to http://accessblog.net/2007/06/how-to-write-out-unicode-text-files-in.html where I got my final answer.

Case solved.

于 2012-06-12T14:04:34.047 回答