我正在构建一个使用 OpenGL ES 2.0 的 Android 应用程序,但我遇到了麻烦。我正在尝试将屏幕坐标(用户触摸的位置)转换为世界坐标。我试过阅读和玩 GLU.gluUnProject,但我要么做错了,要么就是不明白。


public void getWorldFromScreen(float x, float y) {
    int viewport[] = { 0, 0, width , height};

    float startY = ((float) (height) - y);
    float[] near = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
    float[] far = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };

    float[] mv = new float[16];
    Matrix.multiplyMM(mv, 0, mViewMatrix, 0, mModelMatrix, 0);

    GLU.gluUnProject(x, startY, 0, mv, 0, mProjectionMatrix, 0, viewport, 0, near, 0);
    GLU.gluUnProject(x, startY, 1, mv, 0, mProjectionMatrix, 0, viewport, 0, far, 0);

    float nearX = near[0] / near[3];
    float nearY = near[1] / near[3];
    float nearZ = near[2] / near[3];

    float farX = far[0] / far[3];
    float farY = far[1] / far[3];
    float farZ = far[2] / far[3];

我得到的数字似乎不正确,这是使用这种方法的正确方法吗?它适用于 OpenGL ES 2.0 吗?我应该在这些计算之前使模型矩阵成为单位矩阵(Matrix.setIdentityM(mModelMatix,0))吗?

作为后续,如果这是正确的,我该如何选择输出 Z?基本上,我总是知道我希望世界坐标在什么距离,但 GLU.gluUnProject 中的 Z 参数似乎是近平面和远平面之间的某种插值。它只是线性插值吗?



3 回答 3

    * Calculates the transform from screen coordinate
    * system to world coordinate system coordinates
    * for a specific point, given a camera position.
    * @param touch Vec2 point of screen touch, the
      actual position on physical screen (ej: 160, 240)
    * @param cam camera object with x,y,z of the
      camera and screenWidth and screenHeight of
      the device.
    * @return position in WCS.
   public Vec2 GetWorldCoords( Vec2 touch, Camera cam)
       // Initialize auxiliary variables.
       Vec2 worldPos = new Vec2();

       // SCREEN height & width (ej: 320 x 480)
       float screenW = cam.GetScreenWidth();
       float screenH = cam.GetScreenHeight();

       // Auxiliary matrix and vectors
       // to deal with ogl.
       float[] invertedMatrix, transformMatrix,
           normalizedInPoint, outPoint;
       invertedMatrix = new float[16];
       transformMatrix = new float[16];
       normalizedInPoint = new float[4];
       outPoint = new float[4];

       // Invert y coordinate, as android uses
       // top-left, and ogl bottom-left.
       int oglTouchY = (int) (screenH - touch.Y());

       /* Transform the screen point to clip
       space in ogl (-1,1) */       
       normalizedInPoint[0] =
        (float) ((touch.X()) * 2.0f / screenW - 1.0);
       normalizedInPoint[1] =
        (float) ((oglTouchY) * 2.0f / screenH - 1.0);
       normalizedInPoint[2] = - 1.0f;
       normalizedInPoint[3] = 1.0f;

       /* Obtain the transform matrix and
       then the inverse. */
       Print("Proj", getCurrentProjection(gl));
       Print("Model", getCurrentModelView(gl));
           transformMatrix, 0,
           getCurrentProjection(gl), 0,
           getCurrentModelView(gl), 0);
       Matrix.invertM(invertedMatrix, 0,
           transformMatrix, 0);       

       /* Apply the inverse to the point
       in clip space */
           outPoint, 0,
           invertedMatrix, 0,
           normalizedInPoint, 0);

       if (outPoint[3] == 0.0)
           // Avoid /0 error.
           Log.e("World coords", "ERROR!");
           return worldPos;

       // Divide by the 3rd component to find
       // out the real position.
           outPoint[0] / outPoint[3],
           outPoint[1] / outPoint[3]);

       return worldPos;       


于 2012-07-30T07:23:09.533 回答



它不仅有代码,还有图表和图表以及解释它的图表:) 我也花了很长时间才弄清楚。

于 2012-08-02T07:41:50.080 回答

恕我直言,不需要重新实现此功能...我尝试了 Erol 的解决方案,它奏效了,非常感谢 Erol。此外,我玩过

        Matrix.orthoM(mtrxProjection, 0, left, right, bottom, top, near, far);

它在我的小菜鸟示例 2D OpenGL ES 2.0 项目中也能正常工作:

于 2013-10-04T15:07:52.667 回答