目前,为了改善日常流程中的一些低效率,我正在尝试编写 ac# Winform 应用程序,它将用户输入与 VBscripts 结合起来,这将加快以前所有用户输入的过程,即查看 excel 文件和移动文件从 VSS 到某些服务器的某些文件夹。
1) 是否可以使用智能卡/pin 登录到 2003 远程桌面?
我只有第二个问题的经验。您可以使用远程脚本或 SysInternals PsExec http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx等实用程序来执行此操作, 这里是一个远程启动 ipconfig 命令并将其重定向到文本文件的 vbscript 请注意,您无法启动这样的交互式进程,它们会启动但不会显示
Dim sComputer 'computer name
Dim sCmdLine 'command line of the process
Dim sCurDir 'working directory of the process
Dim oProcess 'object representing the Win32_Process class
Dim oMethod 'object representing the Create method
sComputer = "." 'this is the local computer, use a pcname or ip-adress to do it remote
sCmdLine = "cmd /c ipconfig.exe > c:\ipconfig.txt"
Set oProcess = GetObject("winmgmts://" & sComputer & "/root/cimv2:Win32_Process")
Set oMethod = oProcess.Methods_("Create")
Set oInPar = oMethod.inParameters.SpawnInstance_()
oInPar.CommandLine = sCmdLine
oInPar.CurrentDirectory = sCurDir
Set oOutPar = oProcess.ExecMethod_("Create", oInPar)
If oOutPar.ReturnValue = 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Create process method completed successfully"
WScript.Echo "New Process ID is " & oOutPar.ProcessId
WScript.Echo "Create process method failed"
End If