I played with few open source BI projects: Pentaho, JasperSoft, icCube or SpagoBI. I managed to fill them with my data and view some reports or do analysis. But now the thing i really need is to skip their interfaces and call just MDX queries with some filters to Mondrian server and view data on my website with my own NAVIGATION. Something like MDX viewer.

E.G. On my website I've got around 10000 items somehow embedded in the vertical navigation menu hierarchy (impossible to make analysis view to all of them separately) and I want to view pivottable and charts for every item - based on the item selected I would call an MDX query and apply the filter ('where' with selected item). The thing is, i dont need to slice and dice there, just drilldown.

I suppose i need some alternatives to JPivot, but really running like embedded apps not whole report makers. Something like OpenI, but its not any more distributed like standalone platform yet like plugin for Pentaho or JasperSoft, again. icCube tends to provide JS library to cover such functionality, but due to comments doesn't seem to be for free use.


1 回答 1


Saiku 可能会满足您的需求。它可以作为插件与 Penthao BI Server 一起使用。


于 2012-06-11T09:21:28.880 回答