I was reading an article here and it looks like he is grabbing the IDs by the 100s. I thought it was possible to grab by 5000 each time?

The reason I'm asking is because sometimes there are profiles with much larger amounts of followers and you wouldn't have enough actions to do it all in one hour if one was to grab it by 100 each time.

So is it possible to grab 5000 ids each time, if so, how would I do this?


1 回答 1


该文章中显示的 GET statuses/followers已被弃用,但确实用于返回 100 个批次

如果您尝试获取关注者 ID,则可以使用GET follower/ids。这确实会返回最多 5000 个批次,并且只需要您稍微更改 URL(请参阅文档页面底部的示例 URL)

于 2012-06-11T07:10:31.727 回答