I currently have an application that can show a video preview stream and take a picture from that stream. The problem is the app needs to run on low end machines (ie. nettops), and when the video preview stream is set to a high resoultion, it kills the framerates. So my questions are:

  1. Can the Lifecam preview the stream at a low resolution, but snap pictures at a higher resolution (via the Preview pin?)?
  2. By doing so, will it actually increase performance? The preview should run buttery smooth (30fps) at 320x240 but take snapshots at 1080p.
  3. How will all the auto adjustments be affected by this? Will the auto adjustments apply when the snapshot is taken?
  4. Will there be a significant lag when taking the picture?

I'm not too familiar with DirectShow and the 3rd party control i'm using doesn't seem to support this mode. After some reading, i can't tell definitively whether or not the LifeCam Studio is capable of this. Testing with the AForge Snapshot Maker, it wasn't able to set snapshot resolution, which suggests that the Lifecam isn't capable of this. But of course, it could just be a problem with the software. I just need to know of the Lifecams capablilities before investing the time to implement the functionality. I figured someone already went through the trouble of figuring this out and would like to share their findings. Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


大多数或所有设备不允许在 DirectShow 中使用不同的分辨率进行捕获和预览。请参阅我们可以为同一 DirectShow 图形的预览和捕获提供不同的分辨率吗?进行类似的讨论。

我相信 Microsoft LifeCam Studio 可以捕获高分辨率 JPEG,因此在技术上可以将其以压缩形式从管道中取出而无需性能开销并解压缩为子采样图像(IJG 代码提供此选项)。这将是性能友好的。

于 2012-06-16T19:21:53.470 回答