I am writing a dish washer program, Dishwasher has a pump, motor, and an ID. Pump, motor, date, time are other small classes which Dishwasher will use. I checked with the debugger but when I create the Dishwasher class, my desired values aren't initialized. I think I am doing something wrong but what? :(
So the Dishwasher class is below :
class Dishwasher {
Pump pump; // the pump inside the dishwasher
Motor motor;// the motor inside the dishwasher
char* washer_id;//011220001032 means first of December 2000 at 10:32h
Time time_built;// Time variable, when the Dishwasher was built
Date date_built;// Date variable, when the Dishwasher was built
Time washing_time; // a time object, like 1:15 h
Dishwasher(Pump, Motor, char*, float);
This is how I initialize the Class :
Dishwasher::Dishwasher(Pump p, Motor m, char *str, float f)
: pump(p), motor(m), max_load(f)
washer_id = new char [(strlen(str)+1)];
strcpy (washer_id,str);
This is how I create the class:
Dishwasher siemens(
Pump(160, "011219991143"),
Motor(1300, "081220031201"),
Here is the full code if you would like to see further, because I removed some unused things for better readability : http://codepad.org/K4Bocuht