我们可以在非派生类中使用 super 关键字吗?(Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 第 7 章中有这样的代码)。在这里,它用于OfficeRoom 类,它不是子类。
1st question example code:
public class Building
long length;
long width;
OfficeRoom [] officeRooms; // The building has number of rooms
public Building (long len,long wid,OfficeRoom [] ors)
length = len;
width = wid;
officeRooms = ors;
public long area()
return length * width;
public class OfficeRoom
long length;
long width;
public Office(long len,wid)
super(len,wid) //What is the job of super here?? It is not inside a subclass??
public long area()
return length * width;