我们在我们的网站上使用 Paypal 定期计费服务(使用Express Checkout)进行每月订阅。由于我们有一个澳大利亚帐户,因此我们无法使用 Paypal 提供的 DPRP(直接付款定期付款)服务,因为看起来,DPRP 服务仅限于少数国家(美国、英国和加拿大)。

在 Express 结帐时,Paypal 网站会收到付款详情。所以我们没有任何信息,无论是支付失败,用户点击浏览器中的返回按钮还是他/她故意点击取消支付。

在与 Paypal 支持团队交谈后,我们知道付款失败可能有多种原因,卖家必须自己联系 Paypal。因此,我们无法在我们的网站上提供任何故障排除。




1 回答 1


You should implement the Pay Pal IPN (Instant Payment Notification).

You configure the IPN url address on your PayPal merchant account settings. This page is simple HTML page with server-side programming that is listening for requests coming from PayPal.

There's no need to do something extra in the checkout process for making IPN work. Once you set this up, it will automatically work.

Every time something happens with a transaction in your merchant account, e.g. transaction completed/failed/canceled, PayPal will send an HTTP Post to your IPN listener URL.

Here you can get all the relevant information about the transaction, like the payer ID, the payment status. With this information you can decide what to do with your customer's order.

于 2012-06-19T03:45:30.733 回答