我有两个 Picturebox 并且都应该是透明背景,但真正的问题是表单背景都是透明的,但彼此之间不透明。
这是我的问题的照片:http: //www.saj-sa.com/problem.gif
我有两个 Picturebox 并且都应该是透明背景,但真正的问题是表单背景都是透明的,但彼此之间不透明。
这是我的问题的照片:http: //www.saj-sa.com/problem.gif
Picturebox1.visible = true \\ will turn on a box
Picture box.visible = false \\ will turn a box off
Me.Picturebox2.Parent = Me.Picturebox1 : Me.Picturebox2.Visible = True
添加面板 1 并将图像设置为面板 1 添加面板 2 并将图像设置为面板 2
将面板 1 或 2 拖到面板 1 或 2 中,以使其位于后面或前面
private back as New bitmap("C:/background.bmp")
private girlOnTop as New bitmap("C:/topGirl.bmp")
private girlInMiddle as New bitmap("C:/middleGirl.bmp")
'set the size of your graphic base on the background
Dim BMP As New Bitmap(back.Width, back.Height)
'create a graphic base on that
Dim GR As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BMP)
'draw onto your bmp starting from the background
GR.DrawImage(back, 0, 0)
'set X,y to the coordinate you want your girl to appear
GR.DrawImage(middleGirl, X, Y)
GR.DrawImage(topGirl, X, Y)
'clear the picturebox
pbox1.Image = Nothing
'now that we have draw all our image onto the same bitmap, assign it to your picturebox element
pbox1.Image = BMP