首先,您习惯的 try-catch 样式的扩展版本,显然是从 jimt 的答案和 PeterSO 的答案中借用的。
package main
import "fmt"
// Some dummy library functions with different signatures.
// Per idiomatic Go, they return error values if they have a problem.
func f1(in string) (out int, err error) {
return len(in), err
func f2(in int) (out int, err error) {
return in + 1, err
func f3(in int) (out float64, err error) {
return float64(in) + .5, err
func main() {
inval := "one"
// calc3 three is the function you want to call that does a computation
// involving f1, f2, and f3 and returns any error that crops up.
outval, err := calc3(inval)
fmt.Println("inval: ", inval)
fmt.Println("outval:", outval)
fmt.Println("err: ", err)
func calc3(in string) (out float64, err error) {
// Ignore the following big comment and the deferred function for a moment,
// skip to the comment on the return statement, the last line of calc3...
defer func() {
// After viewing what the fXp function do, this function can make
// sense. As a deferred function it runs whenever calc3 returns--
// whether a panic has happened or not.
// It first calls recover. If no panic has happened, recover returns
// nil and calc3 is allowed to return normally.
// Otherwise it does a type assertion (the value.(type) syntax)
// to make sure that x is of type error and to get the actual error
// value.
// It does a tricky thing then. The deferred function, being a
// function literal, is a closure. Specifically, it has access to
// calc3's return value "err" and can force calc3 to return an error.
// A line simply saying "err = xErr" would be enough, but we can
// do better by annotating the error (something specific from f1,
// f2, or f3) with the context in which it occurred (calc3).
// It allows calc3 to return then, with this descriptive error.
// If x is somehow non-nil and yet not an error value that we are
// expecting, we re-panic with this value, effectively passing it on
// to allow a higer level function to catch it.
if x := recover(); x != nil {
if xErr, ok := x.(error); ok {
err = fmt.Errorf("calc3 error: %v", xErr)
// ... this is the way you want to write your code, without "breaking
// the flow."
return f3p(f2p(f1p(in))), nil
// So, notice that we wrote the computation in calc3 not with the original
// fX functions, but with fXp functions. These are wrappers that catch
// any error and panic, removing the error from the function signature.
// Yes, you must write a wrapper for each library function you want to call.
// It's pretty easy though:
func f1p(in string) int {
v, err := f1(in)
if err != nil {
return v
func f2p(in int) int {
v, err := f2(in)
if err != nil {
return v
func f3p(in int) float64 {
v, err := f3(in)
if err != nil {
return v
// Now that you've seen the wrappers that panic rather than returning errors,
// go back and look at the big comment in the deferred function in calc3.
正如 jimt 所提到的,错误处理是一个大主题。“在 Go 中进行错误处理的好方法是什么?” 对于 SO 来说,这将是一个很好的问题,除了它不符合“整本书”标准的问题。我可以想象一本关于 Go 错误处理主题的整本书。
相反,我将提供我的一般观察,如果你只是开始使用错误值而不是试图让它们消失,一段时间后你就会开始理解这样做的好处。当你第一次在现实世界的程序中编写它时,看起来像我们在这里使用的玩具示例中的 if 语句的详细阶梯可能仍然看起来像 if 语句的详细阶梯。但是,当您实际上需要处理这些错误时,您会回到代码并突然将其视为存根,所有这些都在等待您用真正的错误处理代码充实。您可以看到要做什么,因为导致错误的代码就在那里。您可以防止用户看到晦涩的低级错误消息,而是显示一些有意义的内容。作为程序员,你会被提示做正确的事情,而不是接受默认的事情。
要获得更全面的答案,一个很好的资源是文章错误处理和 Go。如果您搜索Go-Nuts 消息,那里也会对此事进行长时间的讨论。标准库中的函数相互调用相当多,(惊喜)因此标准库的源代码包含许多处理错误的示例。这些都是很好的例子,因为代码是由 Go 作者编写的,他们正在推广这种使用错误值的编程风格。