直到我等了 8 个小时才能回答我自己的问题?无论如何,这就是我得到的,它有效!这个函数有很多事情要做。它基本上是一个正弦波振荡器,将 LUT 用于正弦值。它还使用一个指数值表,这些指数值是使用连接到控制罐的 ADC 分配的。有一个 32 位相位累加器,它创建一个斜坡,然后缩放以进行查找。正弦表(我没有包括太多)是 16 位值被截断为 14 位表大小。我确信在这段代码中有很多优化要做,但至少它让我开始。我在每次通过此函数时生成 16 个正弦波样本@48k,并填充一个缓冲区,该缓冲区(在此函数之外)被传输到 DMA 并通过 Discovery 板载编解码器输出。我必须说它听起来非常流畅。到目前为止,总指令周期似乎在 1200 左右。如果我需要它们,我有多达 56000 个周期,所以这非常好。我遇到困难的一件事是缩放正弦输出。正弦表是 int16_t 值,我希望能够将它乘以一个分数来获得音量控制。到目前为止,我没有尝试过使用 smul、mul 等工作。
@ void get_sine(void)
.align 2 @ Align to word boundary
.global get_sine @ This makes it a real symbol
.type get_sine STT_FUNC @ Declare get_sine to be a function.
get_sine: @ Start of function definition
push {r4-r7}
ldr r0,=pitch @ get pitch address
ldr r1,=expoLUT @ expo_tab address
ldr r7,[r0,#0] @ pitch val into r7
lsl r7,r7,#2
ldr r7,[r1,r7] @ move lookup expo tab value with r7 into r7
ldr r2,=sineLUT @ sine_tab base addy
ldr r4,=WaveBuffer @ storage array addy
ldr r5,=writePos @ get writepos addr
mov r6,#0 @ clear increment r6
ldr r3,=phase @ phase address to r3
ldr r1,[r3,#0] @ get current phase
add r1,r1,r7 @ add current phase and ph_inc
str r1,[r3,#0] @ store phase
lsr r0,r1,#18 @ shift it right by 18 into r0 for sine_tab lookup
lsl r0,r0,#2 @ align it
ldr r0,[r2,r0] @ lookup sine val with r0 into r1
lsl r1,r0,#16 @ shift to left channel
add r0,r0,r1 @ add right channel
ldr r1,[r5,#0] @ get writePos
push {r1} @ push it before align
lsl r1,r1,#2 @ align address 4
str r0,[r4,r1] @ store sine to WaveBuffer
pop {r1} @ pop writepos back
add r1,r1,#1 @ increment array pointer writepos
ldr r3,=1024 @ load BUFFERSIZE compare
cmp r1,r3 @ skip if less than BUFFERSIZE
bne skip
mov r1,#0 @ clr writepos if >=BUFFERSIZE
str r1,[r5,#0] @ store writepos value
add r6,r6,#1 @ increment loop counter
ldr r0,=dataSize @ get datasize counter addr
ldr r1,[r0,#0] @ get val
add r1,r1,#1 @ increment datasize counter
str r1,[r0,#0] @ store counter
cmp r6,#16 @ compare with 16 (i=0;i<16;i++)
bne outloop
pop {r4-r7}
bx lr
.section .rodata
@ Array goes in here. Type can be .byte, .hword or .word
@ NOTE! No comma at the end of a line! This is important
.word 0x0000,0x000c,0x0018,0x0024,0x0030,0x003c,0x0048,0x0054
.word 0x0064,0x0070,0x007c,0x0088,0x0094,0x00a0,0x00ac,0x00bc
.word 0x00c8,0x00d4,0x00e0,0x00ec,0x00f8,0x0104,0x0114,0x0120
.word 0x012c,0x0138,0x0144,0x0150,0x015c,0x016c,0x0178,0x0184
.word 0x0190,0x019c,0x01a8,0x01b4,0x01c4,0x01d0,0x01dc,0x01e8
.word 0x01f4,0x0200,0x020c,0x021c,0x0228,0x0234,0x0240,0x024c