I know that I can use templates to assume that certain classes used by the template have certain member variables; however, I was wondering if there was a way to explicitly declare that the template class has to have a certain member variable or function?
I am talking about something like this example:
template <typename T>
class Assume
int value;
Assume(T* object) : value(T->AssumedMember) {};
class A
int AssumedMember;
A(int val) : AssumedMember(val) {};
int main()
A* a = new A(5);
Assume<A> assumer(a);
return 0;
I know that, at least with the compiler used in MSVC++, something similar to this example should compile without a problem;
I was merely wondering if there was a way to declare that, for the template or class's use, that T, from typename T, has a member variable AssumedMember. As of now, the only way to really understand that Assume will only work if used with a class that has the right required members (variables, functions, or operators), one would either have to compile and look at the given compiler error, or read through the entire template yourself to determine if anything extra is being used that has not been defined yet.
(also, on an unrelated note, does anyone know of a way to declare a whole block of declarations as being a template? As if using something like:
template <typename T> { /*class... member definitions, etc..*/ }
to declare a whole block of definitions to use the same template?)