
let func<'T> (x:'T when 'T : (static member op_Explicit: 'T -> float) ) =
   float x

为什么会出现错误:“声明的类型参数 'T 不能在此处使用,因为类型参数无法在编译时解析”

在这个例子中,我提供了一个通用参数并限制它能够显式地转换为浮点数,并且所有的函数都被转换为浮点数,那么问题是什么?我已经阅读了所有与 F# 中的泛型相关的 MSDN 文档,但它们似乎只是绕圈子,与我在 Visual Studio 中看到的行为不符。据我了解,使用单引号语法'T适用于运行时泛型,而不是编译时泛型。

这让我想到了另一个问题。我经常看到有'T^T没有inline. 这与有关这些语法定义的 MSDN 文档背道而驰。我错过了什么吗?


let func x =
   float x



2 回答 2


Here's a quickie-summary that may help out.

You use inline and ^T and member constraints to author weird code 'for all types T that have this ad-hoc API set'; this is code that cannot be authored directly in .NET (e.g. you can't write it in C#), and it must be inline because the F# compiler can inline/hard-code the specific type at each individual call site. This is a very advanced feature, and so you're unlikely to find too many docs/samples about it (and the error diagnostics are not always great).

You use 'T for normal generics, e.g. the usual generic stuff you do in C#. This is a mainline scenario.

Note that in both cases, it is often possible(/better/easier) to let F# infer types and genericity for you, rather than spelling it out. E.g.

let inline f x = float x

and the hover-tip in Visual Studio over f shows that the appropriate constraint has been inferred.

于 2012-06-08T20:19:15.557 回答




似乎 Visual Studio 应该给出一个不同的错误,然后,例如:“成员约束不能在此处使用,因为 'T 不是静态解析的类型”或“成员约束只能与静态解析的类型参数一起使用。 "

于 2012-06-08T20:08:55.773 回答