I have just installed Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011. Every screen that I've created has the same red X with the message "Unable to load data."

I'm creating a desktop application which will have all components, including tech database, on the same machine.

The machine is Windows 7 Home Premium, stand-alone, running Visual Studio 2010 C# Express, SQL Server 2008 R2 Express and Visual Studio LightSwitch 2011 (evaluation period). The database I'm trying to use is a pre-existing database on the local SQL Server Express instance. Other C# apps can use this database.

Currently, the machine has no Internet connectivity since I'm traveling. It shouldn't need it, but I wonder...

Two questions:

1 - Is there anything in the configuration that suggests what may be happening?

2- How do I find the real meaning behind the red X? I've seen articles on how to use Asp.net tracing, but I don't have IIS available. I can only run as a local desktop. Is there a log somewhere that details the error?

-- Update: I haven't found the error, but it's in the project configuration somewhere. I created a new project, connected to the same database, just one table, changed as little as possible, and it runs successfully. Though my problem isn't solved yet, I'm greatly relieved that it can actually work.


2 回答 2


此消息似乎具有误导性。当您将表包含到 lightswitch 中时,所有字符串字段都被标记为可搜索。我有一个包含 124 列的表,其中大部分是字符串。我收到相同的错误消息“无法加载数据,请检查网络连接”。当我将可搜索列的数量减少到 20 时,该消息消失了。

于 2012-06-12T14:21:54.917 回答

Red X 问题通常与权限有关。尤其是附加的 SQL 数据库。您是否检查过运行该应用程序的人是否具有访问数据库的足够权限?

于 2012-06-10T09:40:56.907 回答