我在带有Repeater的主QML表单上有9:9的矩形元素矩阵。我想要实现的是,如果用户单击其中一个矩形,它会缩放到 TextEdit 小部件,该小部件在 Esc 按下时会缩小。

  1. QML可以吗?
  2. 如果是,我应该如何将 Rectangle 转换为 TextEdit 并缩放此 TextEdit 以填充父级?

刚开始使用 QML,还不能从http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativeanimation.html得到答案。



2 回答 2


1)当然!这或多或少是 QML 的用途。


Rectangle {
  id: parentRect
  width: 500; height: 500

  // Every item in the grid should look like this
  Rectangle {
    id: singleItem
    color: "red"
    state: "closed"

    // Hidden text input, shown when user clicks
    TextInput {
      id: textInput
      anchors.fill: parent
      text: "Input here"
      cursorVisible: true

    // MouseArea that will catch the user click
    MouseArea {
      anchors.fill: parent
      onClicked: singleItem.state = "open"

    // Item states
    states: [
      State {
        name: "closed"
        PropertyChanges {target: singleItem; width: 25; height: 25}
        PropertyChanges {target: textInput; opacity: 0}
      State {
        name: "open"
        PropertyChanges {target: singleItem; width: parentRect.width; height: parentRect.height}
        PropertyChanges {target: textInput; opacity: 1; focus: true}

    // Transitions between states
    transitions: Transition {
      ParallelAnimation {
        NumberAnimation {
          target: singleItem
          properties: "width,height"
          duration: 1000
        NumberAnimation {
          target: textInput
          property: "opacity"
          duration: 1000

于 2012-07-21T15:09:28.960 回答

Even I'm new to qt-quick. I don't think it is possible to zoom unless we write our code to do such. I'm not sure though. :-)

This effect is good and it will b nice to see in coming versions. Try to give a feature request to the community <3

于 2012-06-11T04:19:59.500 回答