我的问题如下:我有一个无法随意修改的 C++ 代码(不是由我编写的,并且在某些知识产权限制下)。我必须通过 Python main 将它与 Python 代码链接起来。我使用 boost::python 进行反射。在代码中的某个位置,C++ 函数使用 C++ 函数的 Python 重载函数来修改参数。这个函数在 Python 中使用时效果很好。但是当被 C++ 函数调用时,在 C++ 中不会考虑对参数的修改。为了对问题进行建模,我编写了一个简化版本,旨在隔离我的问题。

以下是 C++ 类:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/ref.hpp>

//Class aimed at modeling a C++ user's type that should be used in Python
class C
    double myC;

    void setValue(double val) {
        myC = val;

    double getValue() {
        return myC;

    This class will be derived in Python
    We want to be sure that:
    - void (g) and non void (f) functions are properly reflected and extended in Python
    - a function (h) with a local type (C) will properly use the python overloaded     function of a C++ function (g)

class A
    A(){int A_x=0;}
    virtual ~A(){}
    virtual int f(int Ivar){
        Ivar = 0;
        return Ivar;
    virtual void g(C * myC){
        C calledC;
        cout << "I should not be here" << endl;   //When B::setparam call g, it should be the Python g, not the virtual function from base class
        //return *myC;
    C h(){                  //This function wont be overloaded in Python
        C myC;
        this->g(&myC);      //We want myC to be modified, and the python overloaded version of g to be used
        cout << "Value back in C++: " << myC.getValue() << endl; //We want to verify if myC has been modified back in C++
        return myC;

    This class will be called from a main in Python.
    It's function setparam is aimed at ensuring that Python extension of a C++ class is supported properly

class B
    B(A & a){
        int u;
        u = 0;
    virtual ~B(){}
    void setparam(A & a){
        a.h();              //Here the code should call the h overloaded function of the derived class of A in Python

boost::python 包装器:

#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <Python.h>
#include <object.h>
#include "ClassA.h"

#include <boost/python/module.hpp>
#include <boost/python/def.hpp>
#include <boost/python/implicit.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

using namespace boost::python;

    A wrapper is used to allow overload of virtual A function
struct WrapperClassA : A, boost::python::wrapper<A>{
    int f(int Ivar){
        if(override f = this->get_override("f")){
            return f(Ivar);
        else {
            return A::f(Ivar);
    int default_f(int Ivar){
        return this->A::f(Ivar);

    void g(C * myC){
        if(override g = this->get_override("g")){
        else {
    void default_g(C * myC){

    Refection of necessary classes and functions for Python
    class_<WrapperClassA, boost::noncopyable>("A", init<>())
    .def("f", &A::f, &WrapperClassA::default_f)
    .def("g", &A::g, &WrapperClassA::default_g)

    class_<B, boost::noncopyable>("B", init<>())
    .def("setparam", &B::setparam)

    class_<C>("C", init<>())
    .def("setValue", &C::setValue)
    .def("getValue", &C::getValue)
    .def_readwrite("myC", &C::myC)


from math import *
# C++ library
from myWrapper import *

    Extension of C++ class A
    APy should be used when A type argument is called
    g should be able to use a C++ C type object and to modify it
    The constructor call g in order to verify that myC is treated as mutable within Python
class APy(A):
    def __init__(self):
        n = 0
        x = 0.
        myC = C()
        print("value after a 1st call within Python: " + repr(myC.getValue()))

    def f(self, n):
        n = 5
        return n

    def g(self, myC):
        x = 7.0
        print("value in Python: " + repr(myC.getValue()))

    myB.setparam should be able to pass a APy argument
myA = APy()
myB = B()

当我运行代码时, print("python 中的值:" + repr(myC.getValue())) 打印 7,但 cout << myC.getValue() << endl print 0 而我希望变量位于7. 感谢您的帮助。


1 回答 1


这里的问题是,当您C在 call 中将实例转换为 Python 时g(myC),Boost.Python 使用的是按值转换器而不是浅转换器(即它复制C实例),即使您已经传递了一个指针。

这是设计使然:当您将 C++ 指针传递给 Python 时,Boost.Python 会确保 Python 代码不必担心其他 C++ 代码会在 Python 层仍然可以访问它的情况下删除它,因为这可以导致危险的记忆错误。确保这一点的唯一方法是复制对象。

如果您想强制 Boost.PythonmyC通过引用传递对象,请使用g(boost::python::ptr(myC))(或者g(boost::ref(*myC))如果您知道它不为空),但请注意这是危险的;您需要确保 Python 的实现g()不会试图在其生命周期之外保留其参数。



您还可以使用boost::shared_ptr将参数传递给 Python,而无需以安全的方式进行复制:

boost python:如何调用 C++ 虚函数

于 2012-06-09T14:54:02.530 回答