

function togglePlayPause() { 
var audioPlayer = document.getElementsByTagName('audio')[0];
var playpause = document.getElementById("playpause"); 
if (audioPlayer.paused || audioPlayer.ended) { 
     playpause.title = "pause"; 
     playpause.innerHTML = "pause"; 
else { 
         playpause.title = "play"; 
     playpause.innerHTML = "play"; 

或者我试过这个,它只是通过 onClick 切换toggle(this)

 function toggle(obj) {
    if (obj.className== 'playButton') {
        obj.className = 'pauseButton';
        obj.title = "PAUSE"; 
        obj.innerHTML = "PAUSE";
    } else {
        obj.className = 'playButton';
        obj.title = "PLAY"; 
        obj.innerHTML = "PLAY";


<a href="#" id="start" onclick="playPause();togglePlayPause();"><div title="play" class="playButton" id="playpause">PLAY</div></a>

在这两种方法中,后续点击都可以正常工作。知道为什么会这样吗?它可能与调用 audioPlayer 变量的方式有关吗?数组从 0 开始。(我抓着稻草。)



1 回答 1


I would go without creating functions, I would check if the link is clicked then proceed to the events that would be fired.

so something like $("#start").click(function(){}); in can be tried.

First, have the jQuery library included in your HTML header.

Then create a new javascript file, included it as well (usually this is put after the jQuery included)

In your new javascript file write the following

$(document).ready(function() {
   $("#start, #stop, #play, #pause").click(function() { //you can have more or less selectors (selectors are the ones with #)
       //Your code goes here

Here is a fiddle for that solution. http://jsfiddle.net/JRRm2/1/ (tidier text: http://jsfiddle.net/JRRm2/2/)

于 2012-06-08T15:32:41.607 回答