我正在设计一个媒体播放器,并且我设计了一个电影类。Movie 类有一个 MovieInfo 成员,它继承自 MediaInfo。MediaInfo 有几个属性表示电影文件的元数据(你叫它吗?),例如文件长度、文件大小、文件路径等。为了提取这些信息,我使用了 Shell32。

问题是 Shell32 中提供的方法非常非常慢。在我的数据库中有 1 部电影,这不是问题,但有 10 部电影,它开始变得明显,并且有 100 部电影,加载程序大约需要 5 分钟,在某些情况下我必须重新初始化运行时的电影,这再次停止了程序的流程。

MediaInfo 构造函数调用 Initialize 方法:

    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes all the information variables of the class.
    /// </summary>
    private void Initialize()
        Folder mediaFolder = Shell32Processing.GetShellFolder(this.path);

        FolderItem media = Shell32Processing.GetShellFolderItem(this.path);

        //initialize bit rate value
        this.bitrate = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 28);

        //initialize date accessed value
        this.dateAccessed = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 5);

        //initialize date created value
        this.dateCreated = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 4);

        //initialize date modified value
        this.dateModified = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 3);

        //initialize data rate value
        this.dataRate = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 279);

        //initialize file name value
        this.fileName = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 155);

        //initialize file type value
        this.fileType = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 181);

        //initialize folder value
        this.folder = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 177);

        //initialize folder name value
        this.folderName = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 175);

        //initialize folder path value
        this.folderPath = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 176);

        //initialize frame height value
        this.frameHeight = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 280);

        //initialize frame rate value
        this.frameRate = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 281);

        //initialize frame width value
        this.frameWidth = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 282);

        //initialize length value
        this.length = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 27);

        //initialize title value
        this.title = FileProcessing.GetFileTitle(this.path);

        //initialize total bitrate value
        this.totalBitrate = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 283);

        //initialize size value
        this.size = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 1);

这是 Shell32Processing.GetShellFolder 方法:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a Shell32 Folder, initialized to the directory of the file path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">A string representing the file/folder path</param>
    /// <returns>The Shell32 Folder.</returns>
    public static Folder GetShellFolder(string path)
        //extract the folder subpath from the file path
        //i.e extract "C:\Example" from "C:\Example\example.avi"

        string directoryPath = new FileInfo(path).Directory.ToString();

        return new Shell().NameSpace(directoryPath);

和 Shell32Processing.GetShellFolderItem 方法:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets a Shell32 FolderItem, initialized to the item specified in the file path.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="path">A string representing the file path.</param>
    /// <returns>The Shell32 FolderItem.</returns>
    /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the path parameter does not lead to a file.</exception>
    public static FolderItem GetShellFolderItem(string path)
        if (!FileProcessing.IsFile(path))
            throw new ArgumentException("Path did not lead to a file", path);

        int index = -1; 

        //get the index of the path item
        FileInfo info = new FileInfo(path);
        DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = info.Directory;
        for (int i = 0; i < directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos().Count(); i++)
            if (directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos().ElementAt(i).Name == info.Name) //we've found the item in the folder
                index = i;

        return GetShellFolder(path).Items().Item(index);

每次调用 GetDetailsOf(Shell32 中提供的代码)都需要花费大量时间来处理——我使用 ANTS 分析器来找到它,因为起初我无法确定是什么让我的程序如此缓慢。

所以问题是:如何优化 Shell32 方法,如果不能,是否有替代方法?


2 回答 2



public static Folder GetShellFolder(string path)
    //extract the folder subpath from the file path
    //i.e extract "C:\Example" from "C:\Example\example.avi"

    string directoryPath = new FileInfo(path).Directory.ToString();

    return new Shell().NameSpace(directoryPath);

您外出访问文件系统只是为了获取文件路径的目录部分 ( new FileInfo(path).Directory)。您可以做到这一点,而无需使用System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path).


public static Folder GetShellFolder(Shell shell, string path)
    //extract the folder subpath from the file path
    //i.e extract "C:\Example" from "C:\Example\example.avi"
    string directoryPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

    return shell.NameSpace(directoryPath);


public static FolderItem GetShellFolderItem(string path)
    if (!FileProcessing.IsFile(path))
        throw new ArgumentException("Path did not lead to a file", path);

    int index = -1; 

    //get the index of the path item
    FileInfo info = new FileInfo(path);
    DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = info.Directory;
    for (int i = 0; i < directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos().Count(); i++)
        if (directoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos().ElementAt(i).Name == info.Name) //we've found the item in the folder
            index = i;

    return GetShellFolder(path).Items().Item(index);



最后,您正在创建另一个Folder(通过调用 GetShellFolder),它也创建另一个Shell项目。你已经有一个Folder,使用它。


FolderItem media = mediaFolder.ParseName(System.IO.Path.GetFileName(path));


private void Initialize(Shell shell)
    Folder mediaFolder = null;
    FolderItem media = null;
        mediaFolder = shell.NameSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(path));
        media = mediaFolder.ParseName(Path.GetFileName(path));

        if (media != null)
        if (mediaFolder != null)


您还为您已经知道或可以从媒体对象获取的内容调用 GetDetailsOf:

    //initialize folder name value
    this.folderName = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 175);

    //initialize folder path value
    this.folderPath = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 176);

    //initialize size value
    this.size = mediaFolder.GetDetailsOf(media, 1);


    //initialize folder path value
    this.folderPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

    //initialize folder name value
    this.folderName = Path.GetFileName(folderPath);

    //initialize size value
    this.size = media.Size;
于 2012-06-08T17:19:41.237 回答

检查此链接。您将根据 Win-OS 版本获得更多关于 GetDetailsOf() 及其文件属性的许可。

List<string> arrHeaders = new List<string>();

 Shell shell = new ShellClass();
 Folder rFolder = shell.NameSpace(_rootPath);
 FolderItem rFiles = rFolder.ParseName(filename);

 for (int i = 0; i < short.MaxValue; i++)
      string value = rFolder.GetDetailsOf(rFiles, i).Trim();


于 2013-02-27T12:03:40.073 回答