我对我的数据库进行了一些修改,我需要将旧数据迁移到新表中。为此,我需要填写一个表格 (ReportOptions),从原始表格 (Practice) 中获取数据,并填写第二个中间表格 (PracticeReportOption)。
ReportOption (ReportOptionId int PK, field1, field2...)
Practice (PracticeId int PK, field1, field2...)
PracticeReportOption (PracticeReportOptionId int PK, PracticeId int FK, ReportOptionId int FK, field1, field2...)
我进行了查询以获取从 Practice 移动到 ReportOptions 所需的所有数据,但我无法填充中间表
--Auxiliary tables
DECLARE @ReportOption TABLE (PracticeId int /*This field is not on the actual ReportOption table*/, field1, field2...)
DECLARE @PracticeReportOption TABLE (PracticeId int, ReportOptionId int, field1, field2)
--First I get all the data I need to move
INSERT INTO @ReportOption
SELECT P.practiceId, field1, field2...
FROM Practice P
--I insert it into the new table, but somehow I need to have the repation PracticeId / ReportOptionId
INSERT INTO ReportOption (field1, field2...)
OUTPUT @ReportOption.PracticeId, --> this is the field I don't know how to get
INTO @PracticeReportOption (PracticeId, ReportOptionId)
SELECT field1, field2
FROM @ReportOption
--This would insert the relationship, If I knew how to get it!
INSERT INTO @PracticeReportOption (PracticeId, ReportOptionId)
SELECT PracticeId, ReportOptionId
FROM @ReportOption
如果我可以在 OUTPUT 子句中引用不在目标表上的字段,那就太好了(我想我不能,但我不确定)。关于如何满足我的需求的任何想法?