WORD you("you");//where you's linked list now contains y o u
WORD are("are");//where are's linked list now contains a r e
you.Insert(are,543);//(anything greater they the current objects length is
//attached to the back. So that 543 can be anything > you's length
y o u a r e
void WORD::Insert(WORD & w, int pos)
alpha_numeric *r = w.Cpy();
alpha_numeric *loc;
(*this).Traverse(loc,pos);//pasing Traverse a pointer to a node and the position in the list
//if(loc == 0)
// alpha_numeric *k = r;//k is pointing to the begin. of the copied words list
// while(k -> next != 0)
// {
// k = k -> next;//k goes to the back
// }
// k -> next = front;//k(the back) is now the front of *this
// front = r;//front now points to r, the copy
else if(loc == back)
back -> next = r; //<<<-------DEBUGGER SAYS ERROR HERE?
length += w.Length();
while(back -> next!= 0)
back = back -> next;
alpha_numeric *l = r;
while(l -> next != 0)
l = l -> next;
l -> next = loc -> next;
loc -> next = r;
length += w.Length();
另外,如果有帮助,这是我使用的 Traverse 功能
void WORD::Traverse(alpha_numeric * & p, const int & pos)
if(pos <= 1)
p = 0;
else if( pos > (*this).Length())
p = back;
p = front;
for(int i = 1; i < pos - 1; i++)
p = p -> next;
alpha_numeric *p;
front = new alpha_numeric;
front = 0;
length = 0;
back = front;
for(p = front; p != 0; p = p -> next)
back = back -> next;