我正在尝试使用 PHP/POST/etc 来帮助我作为 Webdev 的日常工作。从我在网上看到的教程等,这应该可以工作。但是,当我单击提交时,页面被重定向到bagelBack.php,但是有一个空白页面,并且没有提交推文。我在自己的机器上,使用 XAMPP Apache。(HTML 页面上有 jQuery,如果有帮助的话)

编辑:它在 php ($connection->request等)的第 40 行失败。 var_dumps 工作,但echo没有。我对这一切都很陌生。为什么这不会引发错误?


<form id="bagelForm" action="bagelBack.php" method="POST">
    <label for="twitterName">Twitter Name: </label><input type="text" id="twitterName" name="twitterName"/><br />
    <label for="bagelType">Bagel Type: </label><input type="text" id="bagelType" name="bagelType"/><br />
    <input type="submit" />


* bagelBack.php
* Example of posting a tweet with OAuth
* Latest copy of this code: 
* http://140dev.com/twitter-api-programming-tutorials/hello-twitter-oauth-php/
* @author Adam Green <140dev@gmail.com>
* @license GNU Public License

$name = "@".$_POST['twitterName'];
$type = $_POST['bagelType'];

$tweet_text = $name.", your ".$type." bagel has finished toasting!";
$result = post_tweet($tweet_text);
echo "Response code: " . $result . "\n";

function post_tweet($tweet_text) {

  // Use Matt Harris' OAuth library to make the connection
  // This lives at: https://github.com/themattharris/tmhOAuth

  // Set the authorization values
  // In keeping with the OAuth tradition of maximum confusion, 
  // the names of some of these values are different from the Twitter Dev interface
  // user_token is called Access Token on the Dev site
  // user_secret is called Access Token Secret on the Dev site
  // The values here have asterisks to hide the true contents 
  // You need to use the actual values from Twitter
  $connection = new tmhOAuth(array(
    'consumer_key' => '[redacted]',
    'consumer_secret' => '[redacted]',
    'user_token' => '[redacted]',
    'user_secret' => '[redacted]'

  // Make the API call
    array('status' => $tweet_text));

  return $connection->response['code'];

1 回答 1




它与 webhost 已安装的 fcgi 与 cgi SAPI 有关。

于 2012-06-08T01:15:44.353 回答