我正在使用 C# 开发一个接口 JIRA SOAP API 的工具。我已经阅读了可以在这里找到的文档:http: //docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/rpc-jira-plugin/latest/index.html
我正在使用 C# 开发一个接口 JIRA SOAP API 的工具。我已经阅读了可以在这里找到的文档:http: //docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/rpc-jira-plugin/latest/index.html
/// <summary>
/// object interface to the JIRA API
/// </summary>
private readonly JiraSoapServiceClient _JiraService;
/// <summary>
/// authentication token returned by the login method
/// that can be used on all other SOAP methods
/// </summary>
private readonly string _Token;
/// <summary>
/// name of the RemoteProjectRole "Developers"
/// </summary>
private const string DEVELOPER_ROLE = "Developers";
/// <summary>
/// id of the RemoteProjectRole "Developers"
/// </summary>
private static long? _DeveloperId;
/// <summary>
/// return the list of the names of all the users who have
/// the role "Developers" in a project
/// </summary>
/// <param name="project"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<string> GetUsersForProject(string project)
List<string> users = new List<string>();
// get the RemoteProject
RemoteProject rp = _JiraService.getProjectByKey(_Token, project);
// get the "Developers" Prject Role
RemoteProjectRole developerRole = getDeveloperRole();
if (developerRole != null)
// we can use this method only if the user logged in is an administrator
RemoteRoleActors actors = _JiraService.getProjectRoleActors(_Token, developerRole, rp);
foreach (RemoteRoleActor actor in actors.roleActors)
foreach (RemoteUser user in actor.users)
catch (Exception ex)
// TODO log the error
return users;
/// <summary>
/// return the RemoteProjectRole "Developers"
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private RemoteProjectRole getDeveloperRole()
RemoteProjectRole developerRole = null;
if (_DeveloperId == null)
// the first time we call this function we don't know the id of this role
// that's why we are obliged to find it with a foreach on all the project roles
foreach (RemoteProjectRole role in _JiraService.getProjectRoles(_Token))
if (role.name == DEVELOPER_ROLE)
developerRole = role;
_DeveloperId = role.id;
// we have the id so we can get directly the RemoteProjectRole from the JIRA SOAP API
developerRole = _JiraService.getProjectRole(_Token, (long)_DeveloperId);
return developerRole;
欢迎评论。显然,我们可以对不同的角色使用相同的方式。只需确保用于登录 JIRA api 的用户具有一些管理员权限
请注意,当从 Flex 调用 getProjectRoleActors 时(至少),如果您的登录用户不是管理员,那么您不会像预期的那样收到错误或空响应,而是根本没有响应,这非常令人沮丧,直到您记得让用户成为管理员。
这是 PHP 中相同的基本实现(因为我刚刚编写了它),但关闭了“用户”角色而不是“开发人员”:
$base_url = 'https://yourjira.domain.com';
$wsdl = $base_url . '/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl';
$username = 'username';
$password = 'password';
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl);
try {
$token = $client->login($username, $password);
catch (SoapFault $fault) {
echo "Error logging in to JIRA";
$code = 'MYPROJECT'
$project = $client->getProjectByKey($token, $code);
$role = $client->getProjectRole($token, 10000); // 10000 is typically the "users" role
$users = $client->getProjectRoleActors($token, $role, $project);